julieferg7 Member


  • My last weigh in was 1/29 and was 185.6 lbs. I was 187 today the first day of a true ovulatory period
  • Though not too happy about how I feel now, I am ecstatic about getting a period after adjusting my diet and loosing some weight.
  • I think what it comes down to is using whole foods with minimal processing and no "fake food" ingredients and more activity. I know my nana did not keep sweets in the house and it was often too expensive so if it was a special occasion, she would make a dessert from scratch. Sweets were not eaten every day. Maybe once a…
  • Yes you can certainly drink too much! It's called water intoxication. It is very dangerous. When a person drinks too much, it lowers the electrolyte concentrations in the blood and that can negatively effect heart rhythm, muscle function and nerve function. It lowers the blood's osmolality which can cause tissue and brain…
  • In the past I did The Firm, but now I am doing Shaun T's Focus T25 and LOVE it! He is so motivating and not dancey, more athletic type drill moves. I just completed the first workout of the 4th week of the alpha phase. Last time I measured, I have dropped just over 9 inches over my body.
  • ^^^This!! I have, when in my early twenties successfully lost weight with Weight Watchers, when it was their "Selection" type plan. But once I hit 26, something changed and (I was quite detail oriented and a very conscientious weigher/measurer). At the age of 28, I was diagnosed as being Insulin Resistant and was told to…
  • Where do you ladies get the inositol?
  • Boo :( I binged a bit last night at my brother's house. I pick one day a week to have something special to eat and I chose to have a piece of chocolate cake (bad choice with my period coming) and a scoop of ice cream. well, I couldn't stop myself from having a second helping of both :(. However, unlike in the past, I was…
  • Highest weight 205 lbs Starting weight 197 lbs on 1/6/14 Last weigh in 187 lbs on 1/17/14 Current weight: 190 lbs ( I am somewhere in my luteal phase and am retaining water like mad so I don't believe that is true weight gain.
  • I highly recommend the book, Deep Nutrition by Dr Catherine Shanahan. It can be wordy at times about the concept of beauty and is scientific at others, but she really explains the effect of sugar and carbs on the body down to the effect it has on how our DNA behaves and manifests and the DNA of our children for those TTC.…
  • Good luck TTC! Are you on metformin?
  • Hi nice to "meet you!". I remember back when I was TTC, that I read somewhere that one of the benefits of metformin may be to improve egg quality in cysters. One of the issues that many with pcos have is poor egg quality (I am not sure why). I also am back on metformin and find that as long as I stay at no more than 100…
  • Hi Cysters, I will apologize up front for my long post. I will be turning 43 next month and I have been living with PCOS since late puberty. I was finally diagnosed at the age of 26 by my Gyno at the time after I had an ultrasound study and eventual laproscopic surgery for Endometriosis. I had the classic "string of…
  • There Is a book titled Deep Nutrition that, though wordy at times, has a few chapters that explain what happens on a cellular level when there is excess carbs in the blood. It was what finally got me to commit to the way I now eat. Since all carbs get broken down in to sugar in the body, this is why some people see better…
  • I am currently following more of a modified Primal diet and love it. Though, to be honest I do have one day a week where is I want something (ie. doughnut, bread, chocolate, etc) I eat it in moderation. I am insulin resistant (diagnosed by an endocrinologist) and this way of eating is by far the best for me. Straight on…
  • I just completed my 2nd week of T25 alpha and love it! I still do mostly the modifications, but more and more I am able to do the higher impact parts in bits and pieces. So far I've lost between 9 and 10 lbs.
  • Hi, I have been living with PCOS since late puberty. I was finally diagnosed at the age of 26 by my Gyno at the time after I had an ultrasound study and eventual laproscopic surgery for Endometriosis. I had the classic "string of pearls" presentation. Prior to this, I had weighed in the 120's an at 5'2" and having an…