tjwanek Member


  • 1. My road bike (LeMond Buenos Aires with full Ultegra, for the bike geeks). :happy: 2. Precor elliptical trainer. 3. Garmin Edge 500 GPS for bike. 4. Food scale.
  • As a fellow Michigander, thanks so much for posting this amazing and uplifting story. You, sir, are *the* man.
  • It's been about 15 months, and I've lost 30 pound. Actually, lost 25, gained 10, lost that 10 and 5 more. (Darn holidays) It's a long process for me. I'd like to lose another 40, and hope to make a serious dent in that over the next 4-5 months. I'm into road cycling, and have been training for some big rides this summer.…
  • I don't pay much attention to the distance, because there's no way to know exactly how each system is computing it. I've often wondered about my elliptical, because there's not really a direct relationship between that motion and actually walking somewhere. I would assume the treadmill is closer to being a 'true' distance,…
  • I use a Polar FT7, and really like it. It has just enough features to be useful, and not so many as to be confusing. And not too expensives.
  • No hating here. A naturopath simply isn't a doctor, any more than a chiropractor is. At best, they are sort of a adjunct to actual doctors. I'm always very suspicious of any area where people make a lot of claims about hidden knowledge, ancient practices from (insert inaccessible location here), and how Western medicine…
  • I use a digital postal scale from Pelouze: You can find them at Staples, Office Max, etc. as well. It's very handy because it has the tare feature, allowing you to zero your weight after various…
  • I weigh myself every morning (or most mornings when I'm not on the road), and track it using an Excel spreadsheet. I can use the charting function to see a line chart that shows the fluctuations, and a pie chart that shows my progress. Don't worry about day-to-day changes, just watch the trend. If you are trending…
  • On the other hand..... Motivation for us weak guys. :-)
    in Big Thighs Comment by tjwanek March 2011