

  • Did day 2 - Strength and Force Upper + Ultimate Abs today. Cannot get over the bodies some of the people on the vid have! Very inspiring....I have to admit that they kept me going today. Was super tired this morning, and there are so many variations of pushups! I hate pushups but I know they are soooooo good for you lol
  • My son is 7, but I babysit a 2 year old, and I either workout before she gets here at 7am, or I use her as resistance. Chuck her on my front or back and do lunges or squats while singing a song. Lay down on my back and "bench press" her. Stand her on my feet, and sit up to blow raspberries on her cheeks. "race" whenever we…
  • Ok I started it this morning...holy hannah it was tough LOL
  • Yeah I have been told to try it with the weighted gloves, but my upper body isn't the strongest right now, so I am going to do the first few weeks without them
  • I just got my first! Love with the infinity symbol......I know its a common one, but it means a lot to me. It reminds me to love myself, but also that no matter what, love never dies. It can change, the person can go away, but that love will always be there. I got it for myself, my son, my fiance and my family.
  • It went ok. I basically just sat him down and said that this is what I want to do, and that this is what I am GOING to do. He said he wants to do those things too, but he is naturally lazy (so freaking true) so he needs me to make him do it. I refused to make him do it. I told him that the whole fast food and junk food…
  • For me, personally, I prefer a workout that works both upper and lower body with a variety of high, medium and low intensity push and pull movements. I just feel the best after those workouts, and since I started doing them, I have seen the most results.
  • Its funny that you say that, because when I mentioned this whole thing to my cousin, the first thing she said was "Do you think he is worried that if you get to where you want to be physically, and mentally, you wont want him anymore?" I am going to talk to him about that tonight....I really hope thats not how he feels :(
  • I know what you mean. And I know that I have to do this. But I have seen this kind of thing break up relationships before, and I dont want that for us. But I can see how its putting distance between us, and I want to stop it
  • I dont think he is insecure in the least he has never given me any indication before. We do have a very open, communicative relationship, and I have tried to discuss it with him but I always get the same response "I just dont want to". And I am fine with that much....I just wish he could support me in…
  • I used to take my little guy to a playground, and let him play while I ran laps around I could keep an eye on him, and get it in. It was tedious, but it worked when I was in a jam
  • Ooops, sorry :blushing:
  • A couple of my faves are: T.H.E by, Jlo and Mick Jagger Down With The Sickness by Disturbed Slight Work by Wale Yolo by Drake Click Click Boom by Saliva I like a real mix of tunage when I work out lol
  • I'm in Halifax!! Feel free to add me!!!
  • Hey Everyone! My name is Amanda...I'm a mom to one 7 year old little boy, and am getting married in November! Looking amazing in my wedding dress is my motivation right now :) HW: 262 (day after I gave birth) SW: 239 CW: 211 GW: 150-ish I'd like to lose about 30ish pound during this challenge :)
    in Intros! Comment by AlynnP1005 May 2012
  • I make it into a granola, or use it as an oatmeal replacement :)
    in Quinoa? Comment by AlynnP1005 May 2012
  • @lynetted43 you look fantastic!!!
  • I have tried adding new friends, but no one adds me back! lol Its to the point now that I am developing a severe fear of rejection when I log on here lol
  • I have had the opposite experience here. I have posted about my successes, or asked advice, and get hardly anything in return.
  • I've read all three books and enjoyed them. Yeah, they aren't literary masterpieces, but they are a fun read.
  • I forgot to add: I'm about 212 right now
  • Wow, I am really starting to feel good about how I look at least! Not even close babe :)
  • I love you! But no, lol, I wish!
  • Can I kiss you?? lol No, not even close
  • abbezen - 140? I'm 5'4
  • banffkid - 180? I'm 5'4
  • Why cant you wear it? Stretch marks are stretch marks, nothing to hide. My friend calls them his tiger stripes, as a reminder of how hard he has worked. I have stretch marks on my arms, thighs and calves, it wont stop me.
  • This is going to sound bad, but I have naturally curly hair that is always super I limit washing as much as possible. If I get a good sweat on, then my hair is usually looking its best right afterwards because the oils take away the dryness lol Now that being said, I dont usually go longer than 3 days without…