Andy_Anne Member


  • I know the feeling - been looking for some added support myself. Add me if you'd like and we can motiviate each other! :)
  • I definately need motivation and am willing to listen and help others....was just about to post looking for friends. It's hard to work on your health when you have little support at home and/or with local friends. Friend me if you'd like! :)
  • From my experience, it runs about 1.2 lbs heavy... I weighed myself consistently for 4 weeks on there, at the gym I used, and in the nurses office where I work. The WII was always 1.2 lbs higher. However, if that's the only place you have to weigh in, it'll be consistent in showing results.
    in Wii Fit Comment by Andy_Anne April 2011
  • Search for strength under cardio - it's there and you can add it that way and get the time/calories burned info.
  • Woo-Hoo! Great week!
  • Don't give up! Weightloss is not an easy road...I'm still working off baby weight from my first one who is now 6 years old. It can be frustrating, and it can be an emotional rollercoaster, but if you believe in your heart it's what best for you and your family, you can do it! I've given up and started over about 6 times.…
  • Been there too.... our last systems project (i'm in IT) lasted 8 months...nights and weekends. Our "powers that be" determined chips, chocolates, cookies, and soda were best to keep us happy.... I totally brought in my own healthy snacks. One day per week I would allow myself to have one cookie. It is hard when it sits in…
  • Hi there, I was diagnosed almost 4 years ago myself. At the time, they told me I'd never have any more children unless we went through fertility treatments....well, guess what, simple life changes to manage it equated to ovaries starting to work again and we ended up with a total oops baby. Here is what my dr told me.....…
  • OH - also should mention i buy the heart smart kind of bisquick... i think it's a little lower in calories/fat... so if you use regular bisquick, there is probably a shift in calories per muffin.
    in Bisquick Comment by Andy_Anne March 2011
  • Hi there, I'm going to address both q's..... 1. I use a muffin pan that makes 12 regular sized muffins. Here is what comes up from my recipe builder program: 12 Servings Amount Per Serving Calories 106.7 Total Fat 1.5 g Saturated Fat 0.1 g Polyunsaturated Fat 0.3 g Monounsaturated Fat 0.8 g Cholesterol 1.0 mg Sodium 468.6…
    in Bisquick Comment by Andy_Anne March 2011
  • Turn it into Protein Muffins or Protein Pancakes.... this might sound gross, but it's really good once you cook it: 2 cup bisquick 1 cup low fat cottage cheese 1 scoop AnyWhey (branded) protein powder (can be gotten from amazon or local health food store) 1/2 c applesauce 1/4 - 1/2 c skim milk (I can't remember which…
    in Bisquick Comment by Andy_Anne March 2011
  • Hi Jennifer, I'm new to the site, but not to weight loss. I started with 90 lbs to lose and managed about 38 on my own over the last year. It was hard though, with no support system. You can add me if you like, I know how hard it can be until you find a group to talk it out with. So far, the encouragement I've gotten from…
  • I buy a product called AnyWhey. There is is no flavor to it. I add it to oatmeal. I put it in pancakes. I add it to green bean casserole... I add it everywhere and anywhere I want to put a little more protein in the mix. It's practically tasteless so you don't even know it's there. I love it! It's also light on calories...…
  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone!