Looking for some friends

Hello my name is Jennifer I am about 150lbs overweight. It seems like I have tried everything to loose weight I do well for a while and give up. Thought maybe if I can make some friend who have the same goal to get healthy as I do maybe this time it can work. Let me know if you would like to be friends.


  • pattildevine
    hello we have exactly the sme goals. maybe we can help and support each other.
  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello Jen,
    Welcome to the site, I'm still new here but already found that reading the success stories as well as being accountable to others has helped out tremendously in being able to set realistic goals for myself. I've always thought that I had to lose the weight fast or it wouldn't work and through this site i found that the opposite is true, slow and steady wins the race.

    Good luck to you in achieving your goals,
  • RachelsGood
    Hi. I'm new to this as well....I have about 40 pounds to lose.....only at 4.4 so far!! LOL I live in Atlanta, GA......my ID on here is RachelsGood.....add me if you'd like!

  • Andy_Anne
    Andy_Anne Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Jennifer,

    I'm new to the site, but not to weight loss. I started with 90 lbs to lose and managed about 38 on my own over the last year. It was hard though, with no support system.

    You can add me if you like, I know how hard it can be until you find a group to talk it out with. So far, the encouragement I've gotten from my new MFP friends has been awesome!
