Burlington Ontario Canada :)
ISO Mentor I am a 27 year old from Ontario. I currently weigh 160 lbs and would like to weigh 145 pounds. I need someone to help motivate and push me towards my goal. I like working out but feel lost in the gym. I have no problem staying away from junk food but have been so overwhelmed with different diets that I have no…
Does your gym offer free classes? I love cycling for cardio. It's fun trying new classes to see what you like and is great if you like structure. You should pick a body part you want to focus on that day then look up some exercises/machines for that particular part. Good luck!
I did. He says he doesn't like restricting pregnant patients calories to any certain amount but to just follow the canada food guide. I like the structure of calorie counting though
I used to try all kinds of diets, liquid, just fruits, just veg, now before i start any diet i ask myself, can i do this for the rest of my life because i find results from fad diets are never long lasting. As soon as I stopped i gained the weight back and then some
I have been having a McDs cranberry orange muffin with my coffee every morning for the past week. I just go in for my coffee and they just call to me. I would normally go through drive thru but my window wont roll down.
I did slim fast and it went really well.....for about 2 days. I also tried a 3 day clense with smoothies that made me want to throw up and the 3 day military diet than again lasted 2 days. Fad stuff never works long term. Too bad guess I have to stop being lazy
sdereski 40
my mom tries to stage an intervention everytime i lose 5 lbs. She thinks women should have lots of "meat on thei bones" its gotten worse since I have moved out and she can't constantly feed me. She still tries to pack me lunches though
I care. I love them!! I hope they have a girl and names her penelope or evelyn
I would actually love to do that
@amazonbella get a make up lesson from
I cant stand when people sit on a machine and text or 15 min in between sets..or mean mug everyone
Us Canadians are pretty awesome. I always think people think our country is a joke beause of the scented money
that cookie looks so good. I really wanna bake cookies now
Cabin in the woods was awesome!
Women in black made me cry and i left the theater 15 min before it ended and could not make myself go back in there
lol so funny i always get Hangry
anything beauty related is great. I like getting a facial or a massage but when im down to my goal weight ill be buying myself a pair or rockin republic jeans. They are expensive so im also exercising my saving skills by putting away a little bit each month
Vin Diesel
Nice Booty!
i didnt end up doing it. He wanted 50% upfront as well. They wouldnt let me pick a specific trainign bc "based on my questionnaire" results i was a match for this one guy
hot couple!!!
I love when a guy is protective, not in a jealous way but enough to stand up to anyone who is bothering me. Won't let anyone disrespct me. Huge chest and broad shoulders are also very attractive. Positive attitude is number one for me though. I cant stand people who surround themselves with negtivity.
i took hydroxycu 2 years ago and has major gut rot every single day. I only lasted a week and lost some weight but only because they made me feel too sick to eat. That being said i do have a very weak stomach
I would love to pay 140 a month. I was quoted at 3000 for the year. one session a week. The one trainer i spoke with also said he charges 600 for his nutrition plan and wont train me if i dont do the nutrition part
The ABC diet seems really restrictive. If you want to lose weight and keep it off while being healthy you should stick to the 1200 cal/day and add in some strength training/cardio