

  • Thanks everyone, for the input and the feedback. There'a an overwhelming trend of skipping the scale and taking some measurements. So, I put up the scale for a month and too my measurements. I'll stick to my calorie goal, keep up the exercising, and check everything again in a month. Doing the best I can to focus on a life…
  • I'll send you a request. The BEST part of MFP for me is the friends I'm making. I'm following their ups and downs and their following mine. That accountability and support is really where it's at. We CAN do this. With help, we'll be better and stay on track. Most of my friends aren't very healthy. And they have no interest…
  • I like that saying..."You're body is logging anything you're not." Because, it is, isn't it? So, may as well record what you eat whether it's a cheat day, a cheat meal, or just a treat. It also helps you figure out what is too much for you. What's that point where you just fall apart, feel so terrible, and just eat…
  • I haven't even lost very much and I noticed my feet shrinking. Last summer I got new boots (required around here in summer to avoid sharp things, bugs, and having your feet smashed by horses!). I was frustrated to find I needed a 9EE in MEN (not a man...). Then a few weeks ago I noticed them slipping a bit. Now they're…
  • Ohmygosh, so good. Seriously. But the ingredients? And the calories? Not worth it. I just make it myself. Bit of honey, cocoa powder, and hazlenut butter. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM And hey, not too sweet.
  • I've always been a breakfast person. I have to eat in the morning. But I can get by with almost nothing during the day if I'm busy. And dinner doesn't have to be huge. I suppose everyone is different. My husband is the opposite - he prefers just coffee in the AM but eats 2-3x what I do for dinner (even before MFP!) If it…
  • Lately I've noticed all of my friends who HAVE done it being a lot of inspiration for me. All the times I gave up...becuse of stress, time, emotional eating, or whatever led me to just give in, someone stuck it out and made it that much closer to their goal. I also now have 3 friends who have had a bypass surgery and I'm…
  • You'll probably not get a lot of info on drastic measures on this site because the people here are experienced, educated, and know what works. Drastic measures don't work. You'll loose water and you'll loose muscle - neither is a good thing. If you want to loose FAT (which is what will cause the dress sizes to reduce) then…