Need accountability and support

Hey! My name is Riley. I'm about to be 21 years old and am a college student. I've been trying to lose weight for awhile now, but I was never very serious and generally gave up after about two weeks. I've got some serious pounds to lose and am looking for some support and inspiration. I've always tried to lose weight by myself because no one in my family is very healthy and none of my friends care about health. I don't know what else to say. I'm really new to all this...


  • doitforme1987
    I'll send you a request. The BEST part of MFP for me is the friends I'm making. I'm following their ups and downs and their following mine. That accountability and support is really where it's at. We CAN do this. With help, we'll be better and stay on track.

    Most of my friends aren't very healthy. And they have no interest in me pestering them to go be active together or to be weight loss buddies. My husband is supportive, but he's 170# and eats and drinks whatever he wants so he doesn't really KNOW what this is like. We do, don't we? lol