drastic measures

Okay. This may seem drastic. I am currently 15 stone. My wedding is in 6 weeks. I have to seriously shift as much last minute poundage as is humanly possible!! I have been doing slimfast for four days and lost 4 pound. But I feel like this isnt weight thats going to stay off. Help me people! What do I dooo :(


  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Start with this thread. Read thoroughly:

    You'll get plenty of support here, but not a lot of tolerance for "drastic measures". Your wedding is one day: the rest of your life is to follow. It's the same with your weight and your health.

    Best of luck and congratulations!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Definitely read the link that Jruzer gave. You should have worked on this for the past 6 months not wait til 6 weeks before your wedding.

    Enjoy your wedding, and good luck
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    What Jruzer said. The person you're marrying loves you exactly as you are, and everyone there will think you're beautiful. Stop stressing about your weight and stress out about the flowers and cake instead.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member

    A healthy loss is .5–2 lb. per week. Most of your Slimfast 4 lb. loss is water.
  • The wedding was only booked like a few weeks ago. I didnt have 6 months
  • yes, maybe you should have started this weight loss earlier than 6 weeks.....but it is what it is.....it's really not a lot of time so just do what you can in the time you have.....I know that you are going to look absolutely lovely in your dress with your hair and makeup done on the day....and I know everyone else will be thinking so as well.....when I got married 12 years ago I was at least 60-65lb more than I am now so I know how you are feeling....but my wedding day was still awesome.....maybe you could set a goal for your first anniversary...:).....best of luck and I wish you every happiness....:)
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    The wedding was only booked like a few weeks ago. I didnt have 6 months

    According to your profile, he asked you to marry him on 12-13-13. You had a lot more than six weeks.

    No drastic measures. Read the sexypants thread and realize that slow and steady is the only route to take for long term success.
  • Yes that was indeed when he asked me. However the wedding was only booked a few weeks ago
  • yes, maybe you should have started this weight loss earlier than 6 weeks.....but it is what it is.....it's really not a lot of time so just do what you can in the time you have.....I know that you are going to look absolutely lovely in your dress with your hair and makeup done on the day....and I know everyone else will be thinking so as well.....when I got married 12 years ago I was at least 60-65lb more than I am now so I know how you are feeling....but my wedding day was still awesome.....maybe you could set a goal for your first anniversary...:).....best of luck and I wish you every happiness....:)

  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    Shift your thinking. Your wedding is one day. Think about the rest of your life.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    The wedding was only booked like a few weeks ago. I didnt have 6 months

    According to your profile, he asked you to marry him on 12-13-13. You had a lot more than six weeks.

    No drastic measures. Read the sexypants thread and realize that slow and steady is the only route to take for long term success.

    Proposal was on 12/13/13 and you are already getting married in April? Why the rush?

    Why did you wait until now to decide you want to lose weight… wedding or not? If you aren't happy with your weight, either push back the wedding to allot more time for healthy weight loss or start working toward a REALISTIC goal for your April wedding.

    Slim fast diet isn't the way to go. Sure, you will see a change on the scale but it is likely water weight. Sure, you might lose weight but you will also gain it back even faster than you lost it.

    Instead eat real food in moderation and exercise. Create a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.
  • You'll probably not get a lot of info on drastic measures on this site because the people here are experienced, educated, and know what works. Drastic measures don't work. You'll loose water and you'll loose muscle - neither is a good thing. If you want to loose FAT (which is what will cause the dress sizes to reduce) then eat healthy, whole foods (think about ingredients. IS the food an ingredient or does it HAVE ingredients? Avocado, chicken, spinach - these are whole foods. If there is a list of 10-15-20 ingredients, skip it.) Slimfast has A LOT of ingredients and none of them are good for you. Set up a profile with obtainable calorie, fat, and protein goals. Get protein in at every meal (not a TON, just something. A handful of nuts, an egg, some hummus, etc). And keep yourself hydrated! And get some exercise everyday.

    Try for a goal you CAN reach. 10-15 lbs before the wedding. Something like that. And then continue after the ceremony. A wedding is just a party. It does not define you or your marriage. It's not even the legal contract! It's just a party. A wonderful one, sure, but still just a party. Loose something manageable, remember he and everyone there loves you, and keep up the progress after you say I Do.
  • The wedding was only booked like a few weeks ago. I didnt have 6 months

    According to your profile, he asked you to marry him on 12-13-13. You had a lot more than six weeks.

    No drastic measures. Read the sexypants thread and realize that slow and steady is the only route to take for long term success.

    Proposal was on 12/13/13 and you are already getting married in April? Why the rush?

    Why did you wait until now to decide you want to lose weight… wedding or not? If you aren't happy with your weight, either push back the wedding to allot more time for healthy weight loss or start working toward a REALISTIC goal for your April wedding.

    Slim fast diet isn't the way to go. Sure, you will see a change on the scale but it is likely water weight. Sure, you might lose weight but you will also gain it back even faster than you lost it.

    Instead eat real food in moderation and exercise. Create a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.

    We were originally going for next year. But my brother in law is deploying for afghan in june and in order for him and my sister to be at me wedding it needed to be brought forward. I havnt decided to lose weight now. Ive been trying for ages and only succeeding in a few pound here and there. Hence why someone suggested this.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    The wedding was only booked like a few weeks ago. I didnt have 6 months

    According to your profile, he asked you to marry him on 12-13-13. You had a lot more than six weeks.

    No drastic measures. Read the sexypants thread and realize that slow and steady is the only route to take for long term success.

    Proposal was on 12/13/13 and you are already getting married in April? Why the rush?

    Why did you wait until now to decide you want to lose weight… wedding or not? If you aren't happy with your weight, either push back the wedding to allot more time for healthy weight loss or start working toward a REALISTIC goal for your April wedding.

    Slim fast diet isn't the way to go. Sure, you will see a change on the scale but it is likely water weight. Sure, you might lose weight but you will also gain it back even faster than you lost it.

    Instead eat real food in moderation and exercise. Create a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.

    We were originally going for next year. But my brother in law is deploying for afghan in june and in order for him and my sister to be at me wedding it needed to be brought forward. I havnt decided to lose weight now. Ive been trying for ages and only succeeding in a few pound here and there. Hence why someone suggested this.

    Ah, okay. That makes sense.

    Can you please tell us your height and weight?
  • 5 foot 8ish and 15 stone
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    Congratulations Drastic Measures!

    As as a USAF veteran it's wonderful that you made accommodation for your "soldier" to attend your wedding before he goes to Afghanistan. .

    Figure out your estimated daily calorie usage for your weight and start tracking food and exercise.

    Ensure you don't go under the calorie recommendation or you will loose water and muscle, get sick, and look and feel like crap.

    Better to loose less weight forever than yoyo diet and feel and look like crap at your wedding and honeymoon.