Nicolekp Member


  • Good for you for continuing even when there is only negative support. If it is your friends and Family then sure you can try to expain it to them. My suggestion would be to tell them that you arae aware of what is healthy and unhealthy in your progress and that you have done the research to prove your doing what is right.…
  • I have a couple of Ideas for you. 1. Put them babies in a stroller and go for a walk. It doesn't have to be long. Anything you do helps. 2. Buy a couple of workout DVD's you can pop them in during naptime and sweat off the pounds. 3. Make sure you are eating health and drinking plenty of water. Good Luck
  • Iwork with a health coach and she along with my doctor said that as long as I wasn't hurting myself I could do anything I wanted. So as long as you don't have any specific health problems that hinder you. I would think that it's ok. If you are really concerned I would suggest checking in with your doctor just to make sure.
  • I don't want to be mean because I don't know you but you are making excuses to slack off when you are doing a good job. Don't let your schedule rule you. If you have to go to classes twice a week and your schedule is hectic those days, don't exercise those days but stay within your calorie range. Exercise the other 5 days.…
  • As you lose weight your caloric allowance will lower too. If you haven't changed your weight to incclude the weight you have lost it won't be accurate and instead of maintaining or losing you will gain. The lowest you should go on calories is 1200 but that includes the amount you would lose with exercise. If you are not…
  • Fruits and vegetables would be a good way to go. Try to eat fewer calories during the day so you can have a snack at night. If you weren't able to keep the calories down, a snack of fruit or vegetables might give you a few calories but is healthy for your body.
  • If you have 200 calories at the end of the night and you have consumed at least 1200 calories you don't need to eat it. Your body will go into starvation mode if you deprive it too much so make it at least 1200.
  • If you need to go out to get something to eat then maybe take an extra five minutes to do some stairs that way you can focus on your friend while in her room. Or you can say you will be back in 5 minutes and do some stairs without getting food. either way would be a little extra
  • Add more fruits and vegetables. They provide fullness and little calories. You should also eat something every 2-3 hours. not full meals. Snacks like fruit, veggies, whole grain foods. My health coach turned me on to Triscuit Thin Crips. They only have 3 ingredients and they don't taste too bad. Add a little non fat cheese…
  • First of all PUT AWAY the scale. Weighing everyday makes you feel worse and it is proven that weight fluctuates day to day. Try to weigh once a week or even every other week. Make sure it is the same time of day and that you are wearing the same thing you were when you weighed last. When you deprive your body of calories…
  • My suggestion would be to wear a pedometer. Then you could calculate the distance by the steps you took throughout the day. Hope this helps.:bigsmile: