forced plateau

So far since decemeber I have lost 13pounds. At my job our schedules change every 6 months. Starting in march my schedule will be 330pm to midnight tues thru sat. Which I'm am good with I already have a plan to be able to allow more exercising. The only thing is from april to may I am going to also have class twice a week, plus working 40 hours a week, and taking care of my family. So I was thinking that for april to may I should increase my calorie intake from losing 1 to 2 pouds a week to only about a half a pound so I can handle everything. Has anyone done anything like this? Or am I just being a baby (if so I am surely in need of a good wake up call). I just am afraid of falling off the wagon that month and I want to be prepared. Let me know what you have done in a situation like mine and any tips or suggesstions please!


  • Nicolekp
    Nicolekp Posts: 11 Member
    I don't want to be mean because I don't know you but you are making excuses to slack off when you are doing a good job. Don't let your schedule rule you. If you have to go to classes twice a week and your schedule is hectic those days, don't exercise those days but stay within your calorie range. Exercise the other 5 days. You will still be able to keep the same goals. I hope this helps
  • frenchprairiegirl
    frenchprairiegirl Posts: 173 Member
    I am a shift worker, working 2 days, 2 nights then off for 4 (12 hour shifts). I find that if I keep my eating schedule the same, whether I'm on nights or days, it's a lot easier to keep cravings at bay. Eat small meals, every 4 hours. You'll keep your metabolism in the fat burning stage and you will not gain weight working afternoons. I am "allowed" to eat at my workstation and I'm fortunate to have a gym at work. That is where I spend my hour meal breaks. I've eliminated the "excuses" from my life. I have access to a gym at work, I have a gym membership and for the days when I'm feeling especially lazy, I have a treadmill at home. Don't let shift work destroy all the hard work you've put into yourself.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I think you can handle it. I work 40hrs each week, and on my days off, I spend around 8 hours at campus for my classes. I go home, do homework, set up my meals for the next day, clean house, run errands, spend lots of time with boyfriend, and still have time for plenty of rest.

    While I can not imagine a situation with children (as they don't follow a schedule like I can make for myself) I believe your situation is quite similar.

    I think you can do it. :)
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    No problem. I guess my question would be is being up from 730am to probably 1 am on those two days should I eat more than my 1200 calories? Or spread my meals out more? I'm just concerned about those two long days each week that I might eat more than my normal 1200.
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    I think maybe maintaining during the period you anticipate all the stress (classes, full-time job, etc) might just be a good idea. You still eat healthy, still include the exercise, but lessens the focus (and the added stress) of trying to always meet a lower calorie goal at a time when it might be difficult to do so. When you get through this, then you can take it back up a notch, or few.

    I'm sure you will get all kinds of advice on what to do, but ultimately you need to do what is best for you. Just be careful, and keep taking care of yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    As long as you'll be doing the same amount of "work," then I wouldn't change anything but your sleep schedule. But if taking this class is going to be keeping you up extra hours, you'll have to make some kind of adjustment to "feed the meter" and keep yourself going. I'd say, try a week as is and then decide.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    There's nothing wrong with forcing a plateau. The body will naturally do it on its own anyway. It's also a good way of keeping a good rhythm of motivation going. Knowing that you're the one in control for your weight loss, no matter how you do it, usually always leads to a happier sense of success and satisfaction.

    I'm at my [unforced] plateau now, but I'm enjoying it. The tiny fluctuations in weight, both up and down, are right at a comfortable level for me. So, I've slightly increased my intake with a wider variety of food, but I'm still doing the same types of workout routines to maintain the metabolism.

    It sounds like a good plan. Enjoy it. As long as it works to your favor and benefit, it shouldn't matter what anyone else does or thinks.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    No problem. I guess my question would be is being up from 730am to probably 1 am on those two days should I eat more than my 1200 calories? Or spread my meals out more? I'm just concerned about those two long days each week that I might eat more than my normal 1200.

    Just don't worry about it. Try to stick to your calorie goal, but if you go over don't stress. I take two days a week off from exercise can calorie restrictions, and while I don't go crazy with my eating, I go over. It hasn't hindered my weight loss at all.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Here's my advice for the long days.

    Plan carefully. Small meals/snacks often.

    Lots of fiber and water.

    Coffee is okay if you watch what you put in it.

    Don't eat just to stay awake, it likely will not help.

    If you are ravenous and must go over, better to do it with carrots and apples than ho hos from a vending machine.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    Coffee I've learned is not my friend when I get it somewhere else! I learned that the hard way! My coffee I used to get was almost 200 calories! Now I make it at home with a 2 calorie k-cup 35 calorie creamer, and just a little skim milk plus I drink lots of water now to offset any dehydration from the caffine.
  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    I don't want to be mean because I don't know you but you are making excuses to slack off when you are doing a good job. Don't let your schedule rule you. If you have to go to classes twice a week and your schedule is hectic those days, don't exercise those days but stay within your calorie range. Exercise the other 5 days. You will still be able to keep the same goals. I hope this helps
    Agreed, It all depends on how bad you want it and how dedicated your willing to be.