

  • First of all, I am not an expert, and I am currently slightly overweight at 43 of age!! But in my teens, I did go the other way for several years, and I got very thin... My feeling is that you should try to eat high-nutrient foods only. Maybe chick peas, one at a time (not too many!!). Undressed salad leaves shouldn't fill…
  • Eat lots of salad, green and red veg. Occasional lean white meat and fish if you must. Pulses are brilliant as low fat proteins, and kinder to the environment to produce than animal proteins. Use a spray oil. Rapeseed oil is lower in saturates than sunflower or olive oil. Obviously the less, the better if you want to lose…
  • Switch to coffee with a dash of skimmed milk if you must, and no sugar. I'd avoid sweeteners too – just not chemically good for you. Train yourself to enjoy unsweetened foods. Then gradually reduce your coffee (caffeine) too. Take a little paracetamol if you get a stinker of a headache, and drink lots of water. Sparkling…
  • Oh, and maybe have a dash of skimmed/fat-free milk in your coffee instead of creamer. Much better for you!! :-)
  • Obviously you need to stick with the plan from your nutritionist, but I'd recommend just reading the first few chapters of the Alternate-Day Diet... even if you don't choose to follow that diet, it makes you seriously reconsider your relationship with food... one top tip I read there was, DON'T choose a huge variety of…
  • I heard that a pound of body fat amounts to 3,500 calories. If, to lose 2lbs per week you manage to not eat or successfully burn 7000 calories you wouldn't normally not eat/burn, I would say you're doing well! Losing 4lb a week can be done on a starvation diet, or one where you spend half you day in the gym (burning 300ish…
  • Hi, Just joined. Not sure about this!! I used to be quite little (about 8 stone) until about five years ago, when some life changes got me into comfort-eating and I now find myself two stones heavier. I'm not hugely worrieed about getting as slim as that again, but would like to lose a stone at least, just so that my old…