mhlew Member


  • I look at is as not having a choice to accept the treatment, and if you use cpap you essentially will not have sleep apnea. So I am anxious to get mine in what im guessing is a couple weeks. just kind of scary now that I know I have this condition for a fact and need to sleep for 2 weeks until i get my cpap
  • Thanks Sloth, that is some good info. I will look into that model as well, not sure which my doctor had already ordered me though. Just know its an auto CPAP. This is all new to me so I will have to do some research. Being on CPAP- will this eliminate snoring or can you still snore while on it?
  • I am happy to hear you had great success. Trying to have a positive attitude about it and embrace the treatment and hope for the same results. Just hope my insurance will cover some of the cost of the machine, I have no clue how much they cost for the auto cpap my doctor is ordering!
  • I am pretty sure he said mine was 25 x per hour. Still not happy with that number but sounds like that is A LOT less then other stories I have been reading online of people who have had successful CPAP treatment and even overcame sleep apnea with weight loss.
  • Today my doctor called me with the results of my sleep study and was told i have moderate sleep apnea. My mind was in a daze with the news and I cant remember if he said I stop breathing during my sleep 25 x per night or 25 x per hour, nonetheless he said I was considered a moderate case of sleep apnea. He suggested I get…
  • I do not have high BP, no headaches that really stand out, but am overweight, and heard I snore from roommate. I dont hop out of bed like they do in TV commercials but am kind of tired when waking up, but once I shower and get dressed I feel normal. Or maybe I dont know what normal feels like? haha. Kind of anxious to get…
  • Good to know. Hopefully I dont even have it! WIll get the results in a couple weeks when I check with my ENT doctor.
  • All very interesting and informative comments! Appreciate everyones response and has kind of help calm my mind. Maybe anxiety is my issue with the breathing haha.
  • And yes if I am diagnosed with it (crossing fingers Im not!!) but if i am i will embrace the recommended treatment wether that be a mouth guard, or CPAP. It sounds like it can 100% be managed if that's the case? Always working on weight loss too.
  • What is SP? Unless you meant SA? (sleep apnea?)
  • I will be curious to know of my sleep study results. Did you guys suspect you had it? Other than hearing from others that I snore, I have never woken up gasping for air (not that i can remember at least) and have never fallen asleep at work, or on the road. I am just getting a study done cause I heard I snore loud. In the…
  • only happens when i am FALLING sleep. as for when i am asleep i am unsure. but my sleep study may detect that.
  • It only happens as im trying to fall asleep. I dont think i have ever woken up gasping for air. Sounds like anxiety to you maybe? I am actually doing my in home sleep study tonight to see if i have sleep apnea or not for snoring, but not sure if thats anxiety and a seperate issue
  • nice thanks a lot! pinterest looks like it has some good ones. i have chicken breast, carrots, and potato in my new crock pot now.
  • I think it depends on how much you have to lose begin with. I have received a few comments (nothing drastic) and I've lost about 16 lbs. from what I've read in other posts it seems to be around 20-25 pounds when people here some comments.
  • LOL trust me, I am not getting stressed out from some tomatos in my salad.
  • My disliked food that I eat is tomoato's. If a salad I order at a resturaunt has tomatos I will just eat them because I know the health benefits so I wont tell them to hold them off. However I do not buy tomatos at home, and I do not eat foods that I absolutely can not stand. I do not care for tomatoes but dont thing they…
  • I am glad I have never had the slightest bit of gym anxiety. To be afraid to workout in front of people should not be a concern, it is all in your head. I am sure glad I played high school football and had an excellent strength and conditioning coach, I have always been comfortable in a gym being that I knew what I was…
  • Good luck, but I think it is important to take ownership of your weight and not point the finger elsewhere. This is just setting you up for failure again if you let other things take control of you. You are in control of everything you do with your body.
  • Thanks for all the responses. They kind of confirm what I thought that it is not a big deal.
  • The problem with weight and alcohol for me is not the alcohol, but the choices I make that go a long with it for example, pizza at 1 am, or greasy hang over food the next day. I don't think I can quit drinking cold turkey just yet, but I have cut back how often I drink and the amount I drink. This seems to help if you can…
  • nice booty at the gym on treadmill in front of u always makes me stay on longer.
  • Thanks, that was my line of thinking as well.
  • I'd like to lose 100lbs by Christmas. I will try and hit 15 lbs.. 20 lbs would be awesome.
  • I used to believe the 100/20 rule. In my opinion it is 99% diet 1% excersize.
  • Thanks lola.. See I feel motivated again! lol. Nice progress your self!
  • Here is some slight progress On the left is in mid-May 2014 and the right is today (10/9/14) That was my bday weekend and i remember i just felt so bloated and out of shape that weekend, then i started changing my diet in late july and working out more regularly. I was prob about 295 on the left and 279 now. Not noticeable…
  • Fun thread, I enjoyed reading all the comments. I am glad I am already incorporating weight lifting into my workouts.
  • I weigh myself every Saturday morning and log it. I also take pictures (side view and front view) I have tried the tape measure but dont really use it much, i rather feel the inches lost in my clothes and how they fit.
  • There is no avoiding seeing it on the community feed. The majority of people post on there so I need to weed through them until I can find a subject that actually interests and motivates me.