

  • Welcome Back ! I too just started logging in again. Also, my scale came out of the closet too! Starting fresh without looking back. In two day I am down 3 pounds. I know this is fast, but it always starts that way......but after it slows down I am not going to get discourage about it. I feel good eating this way. Sugar…
  • Did you ask your daughter what she wanted? Cupcakes are a great idea. Make them yourself. If your worried about leftovers just make as many as you need. Also, what about going to get frozen yogurt? You can celebrate her birthday in many ways! Just being with her is the best birthday you can give her !
  • My daughter works at Starbucks and she doesn't drink coffee. I love getting her free pound of coffee a week. Since she lives in a different town she saves it up for me. I am a coffee lover, and also use creamer in it. I used to just drink it black and should of never used the flavor creamers. Oh well, I gave up soda two…
  • Would love to be a part of this. How do I start !
  • Get a new doctor!!
  • Hi, I wish you and your husband a great journey to health. Doing it together will be so much easier! It's great having the tracker for your calorie intake. Plus if your still hungry you can always do some exercise to have a small treat. Slow and easy is the best way to go.:happy: Karen
  • What a difference!!! Great job !!
  • I hope your kitty is well soon. I too am a cat lover, right now I have four. The lastest one showed up with my daughter. Found her and brought her to me. She was so thin and her fury was falling out. I tired to find her a home but no one wanted her. So now she is a member of my family. She does have a eating problem (eats…
  • I really like the idean of putting a $1 in a jar for every pound you lose. It would really be a motivation device. And after you reach your goal, go shopping for new clothes! I am really going to give it a try. Thanks
  • went up 5 pounds this weekend. I go up when I am happy and when I am sad. Need to stop this pattern. Now to get the 5 off!
  • I have this problem too! You are not alone in this. I wish I could help you out but I don't know how to handle this either. I try to keep myself busy or talk to a friend. Can't seem to stop the surgar craving and then I too give in. After I am done I can't believe how much I ate. You have done so well in losing 35 pounds!…
  • You look....wow! Just by counting calories and exercising? I just keep going around in circles!