Not weight loss related but...

Your prayers needed... Our kitty went through some pretty bad liver problems over the last 6 months... After thousands of dollars and tears, she rebounded... Gained back most of the weight she lost (went from 9+ to 6lbs.) and as of two months ago, her blood work showed that her liver was functioning properly and all of her levels were normal. Saturday, we did a follow up on blood work. The vet just called and her liver values are elevated to where they were when this all started. Please don't think I'm crazy, but our cat is the only "kid" we're ever going to be able to have and her being sick is killing me. Please, please pray for her liver to continue functioning and for her to have at least 7 more healthy, happy years with us (she's 8 now, so 15 years total seems realistic, right?). Thanks for your support <3


  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 307 Member
    Aww poor kitty! I will def keep her in my prayers! I am a cat lover, I had to put down one of my babies a few years ago. I know how hard it is to have a sick cat, I have 3 now and I cannot imagine going through it again with them. <3
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    awww! I will def keep you and kitty in my thoughts and prayers!!!
  • KarenShannon
    I hope your kitty is well soon. I too am a cat lover, right now I have four. The lastest one showed up with my daughter. Found her and brought her to me. She was so thin and her fury was falling out. I tired to find her a home but no one wanted her. So now she is a member of my family. She does have a eating problem (eats to much) but I am sure this is due to her living on the street. Her fury has come back; long and thick. She is a beautiful cat. Every animal needs a home. Hang in there. Love is the answer.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I hope your kitty feels better soon!!!
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I don't have any cats yet, but I do know how it feels to have a fur baby that is sick. Sending positive thoughts your way.
  • DKWaggoner
    Sending blessings to Kitty & you :)
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Thank you so much for your support everyone. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support, thoughts and prayers. Our kitty is such a blessing to us and I can't imagine our life without her. Please keep the prayers and well wishes coming... I'm sure if our little one could talk, she would thank you too <3
  • Liopleurodon
    Sending happy healthy kitty vibes your way and hopes for a swift recovery. I'd be beside myself if mine got sick. Anyone who says "it's just a cat" has no idea what they're talking about.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Oh, I feel SO badly for you and your kitty. I've been through the good, the bad, and the worst with our current and past furry and feathery children (cat, dogs, parrots). I know how bad it actually does hurt. Wishing the best for you all and sending good karma your way... :flowerforyou:
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Options sincere hopes for a speedy kitty recovery. We rescued an orange/white kitten a few years ago when someone threw him out of their car. Poor thing was starved and scared. Happy to report he is a thriving three year old now. I am adding your baby to my prayers.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Thank you all again and again... I can't tell you how much I appreciate your prayers and support. It really does help me to get through this horrific ordeal, knowing that we have so many amazing people pulling for our little one <3 Sending you all huge hugs and thank you's :)
