Hurts to eat

My nutritionist wants me to eat more food...But I can't. It literally hurts to eat. I've been telling my doctors this and they've been testing me but no one can find anything wrong with me. Has anyone had a problem where it hurts to eat, and they can't keep food down? It's not on purpose! I'm on a medication where it keeps my food down for the most part, but it reduces my appetite severely. However, I'd rather not be as hungry than throwing up everything that passes down my throat, including water. Does anyone know what's wrong? I'm so tired of hurting all the time from eating, and no one I talk to seems to understand.


  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Is it just some foods or all foods? Can you eat somethings without it hurting?
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    It's all foods, but mostly if it's made up of sugar.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I had something called idiopathic gastroparesis a few years ago. Basically my stomach was paralyzed for about two months. I felt full (like after a holiday dinner full) after eating a few bites. I would throw up undigested food 12+ hours later. It was horrible. I was diagnosed by my doctors after a gastric emptying test.
    I had to eat a low fat and low fiber diet (try to combine those two in a healthy manner....). It was rough. I lost wayyyy tooo much weight in a very unhealthy manner bc I couldn't keep any food down, was dehydrated at one point, etc.
    I hope you don't have that. Sugar didn't bother me, it was fatty foods or foods that were high in fiber or acid that bothered me.

    Have your doctors done a gastric emptying test on you?
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    I don't think anyone here is qualified to be able to tell you what is wrong. This sounds like something that needs some serious attention from a specialist, starting with a gastroenterologist. If you have a primary treating physician, ask for a referral to the best one in your area. If you don't, call your local hospital and ask for the name of one in their service that could see you for a condition such as you describe for a consultation. You must be the advocate of your own medical condition/situations. Don't stop until you get some answers.
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    No. Basically they aren't listening. They know I throw up a lot, and that sugar hurts. Fast food and stuff I can't eat anyway due to acid reflux, but this is different. They have only tested me for Chrone's disease (SP?) and the other one that's like that. They haven't run too many tests, and this has been happening since July. I'm just really sick of this happening to me. I don't like being in pain all the time
  • quepastaaa
    I would get an endoscopy and/or ultrasound as soon as you can. When I lost 30 lbs. over the summer, my diet changes caused me to have gallstones. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. I couldn't even eat a low-fat yogurt until I had my gallbladder removed. Also sounds like it could be a hiatal hernia if you're having reflux problems.

    It's weird that they tested you for Crohn's without looking into other tests first. Either way, have your entire GI checked out as well as your pancreas and gallbladder. You'd be surprised how quickly your digestive system responds to a new diet. Unfortunately it could be a lot of things, but I went through the same thing of dealing with months of pain. But I figured I was just becoming more sensitive to junk food since I never really had stomach problems before, so I put it off.
  • Dmborgstrom
    Dmborgstrom Posts: 7 Member
    No. Basically they aren't listening. They know I throw up a lot, and that sugar hurts. Fast food and stuff I can't eat anyway due to acid reflux, but this is different. They have only tested me for Chrone's disease (SP?) and the other one that's like that. They haven't run too many tests, and this has been happening since July. I'm just really sick of this happening to me. I don't like being in pain all the time

    Don't give up until you get someone to listen. If you can, take yourself to a specialist. Gastroenterologist, or an Endocrinologist would be where I would start. If doctors are laughing at you, they shouldn't ever have the right to see you again, In my opinion.

    Keep at it till you get answers!!
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    No. Basically they aren't listening. They know I throw up a lot, and that sugar hurts. Fast food and stuff I can't eat anyway due to acid reflux, but this is different. They have only tested me for Chrone's disease (SP?) and the other one that's like that. They haven't run too many tests, and this has been happening since July. I'm just really sick of this happening to me. I don't like being in pain all the time

    You don't say what kind of doctors you are seeing but if you are continuing to throw up that is a huge warning sign. You can develop a condition called esophogeal vericese which is extremely dangerous and is a result of the acid doing damage to the esophogus. Get yourself to a gastroenterologist as many here have already suggested. Insist on a referral or search out your own. If they aren't listening...move on to another doc immediately!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    No. Basically they aren't listening. They know I throw up a lot, and that sugar hurts. Fast food and stuff I can't eat anyway due to acid reflux, but this is different. They have only tested me for Chrone's disease (SP?) and the other one that's like that. They haven't run too many tests, and this has been happening since July. I'm just really sick of this happening to me. I don't like being in pain all the time

    You don't say what kind of doctors you are seeing but if you are continuing to throw up that is a huge warning sign. You can develop a condition called esophogeal vericese which is extremely dangerous and is a result of the acid doing damage to the esophogus. Get yourself to a gastroenterologist as many here have already suggested. Insist on a referral or search out your own. If they aren't listening...move on to another doc immediately!!

  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm seeing a regular physician a neurologist and my nutritionist. I had this problem long before I started my weight loss journey too. I've had reflux since I was 10, and it's not that bad since I started taking medication for it and losing weight, but I am very concerned about the fact that I have the pain. My physician never seems to listen to my concerns, and then just prescribes me stuff without looking too deeply. My neurologist at least figured out what was causing me to pass out, but I was passing out long before my stomach was hurting when I ate, and before I was throwing up constantly. So I don't pass out any longer, which is a relief.
  • mtbke5
    mtbke5 Posts: 96 Member
    I have something silimar and they have diagnosed me with IBS. I have good days and bad days where I take a bite or a drink of water and I'm stuffed for hours. I keep everything down, but it is very painful. I've come to drinking most of my calories but I'm still not getting enough as sometimes that doesn't work.
    I've had every test done that they can think of and now it is just a trial and error over weeks to see if something works.
    I feel for you and if you want to talk let me know.
  • Carlamere84
    I could be wrong, but it could be celiac disease. Just a thought.:smile:
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Does it hurt literally when you eat or after you've eaten? Does it hurt when food sits there? (so like 10-30 min after you eat as well).

    Also, when you throw up, does it look weird (dark brown chunks or anything not food like)?

    I had issues when I was in Africa, it hurt like mad whenever I swallowed and right after eating but I was also throwing up blood.
  • KarenShannon
    Get a new doctor!!
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    It hurts going down and when it sits there, and when I throw up, it looks like I'm throwing up colored water.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Please request a meeting with a gastroenterologist... please. I don't think any of us can diagnose you, but it does sound like something serious.
    Please, please, please............
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    When I go to the doctors again on Saturday I'll let him know I want to go to the gastroenterologist since that seems to be the consensus here.
  • carmencar11
    I agree I don't think we are qualified to answer this question, but I would suggest picking up Green for Life by Victoria Beautenko. It is amazing. You body is reacting to something obviously. Give it a read. It may not have the answers but I bet it will make you think differently about what your eating. It taken care of well, the body has the ability to heal itself. I hope your pain subsides, because eating should be a pleasurable thing, not a painful thing. Good Luck. Carmen
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Please keep us posted on this issue. This post has gotten me a bit worried about you as it sounds very serious.

    Let us know what the gastroenterologist says.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    I have had some similar problems and have alot of allergies - I still don't have too many answers myself but I just keep plodding along eating as best I can (clean etc).
    There is a condition called Eosinophilic Esophagitis that I am convinced I have - but the stupid drs won't listen (they usually haven't heard of it). Do a bit of research on that one and see if you think it could be that.

    (I am suffering some of it now due to just eating something I love but am allergic to!!!)