paperlily Member


  • About once every four to six months.
  • I work part time in a bakery so I understand where you are coming from. My situation is different because I am not required to test all the products (although I am supposed to) or do tasting quality control but I will let you know my approach anyway in case it helps. Firstly, I pack a lot of yummy snacks to eat in my…
  • Very helpful read! Our shopping lists are quite similar already but you have given me quite a few ideas.
  • Ooh, I wonder if anyone can guess without me saying... :laugh:
  • This as been my problem. I have started eating dinner quite late and always saving some calories for a cup of tea and an apple/malt biscuit. Eating late and having sugar and the likes before bed probably wouldn't work for everyone but I like to have a little snack as I wind down from the day so that I don't 'panic' when I…
  • Good for you! I agree upsidedownpear, you do get used to it. :) I don't want to deprive myself which is why I accept when offered (it is usually only a very small amount that way). Part of my ban is to do with budget and I really am saving a lot of my grocery money now. :) Once my ban is over I will go back to buying it…
  • Chocolate at night was my biggest bad habit so I firstly stopped buying it entirely. Actually I am about 3/4 of the way through a 100 day chocolate buying ban (the terms being if someone else offers me a bit of choc I can still eat it I just can't buy any myself). When I am craving it though I let myself have a hot cocoa.…
  • Exactly. Just do what works for you.
  • I eat relatively healthy I suppose but I realised very quickly I would have to make changes to and moderate some foods rather than exclude them completely. I love to have something sweet each day too! I am an absolute bandit for biscuits with my cups of tea so I have a limit on them, buy slightly healthier types and…
  • Crackers (I like vita wheat or ryvita) with light cream cheese, vegemite, avocado, tomato (packed separate so they don't go soggy) or a tin of tuna. Cut vegetables and fruit. It sounds cliche but carrot and celery stick are great to nibble on. You could have a little container of houmus too. Single portion tubs of yoghurt…
  • I bake a lot of half chicken breasts and fish and then pan fry garlic, broccoli and mushrooms to go with it, serve with lemon juice and black pepper. When they are done I pan fry slices of sweet potato and serve them with black pepper and a crumble of feta (I freeze the feta and it defrosts fine). It is kind of my go to…
  • I just watched the first episode and wow, very moving.I didn't think it was going to get to me as much as it did actually! I would love to hear more about how some of the people involved are going, I almost wish I had a way to contact them just to send support.
  • I am in Australian and drink Madurah for my 50 times a day habit and Twinings for special occasions. I am also really enjoying the Wedgwood line at the moment. Both the bags and loose leaf have proven lovely!
  • Ack, if only bananas would hurry up and come down in price in Australia! I can't wait to try this.
  • So sorry to hear about your situation. I am a student on a budget and at the start of the week I buy on special beef/chicken/lamb if there is any, whatever vegetables are on special (favourites being celery, carrot and cabbage), generally incorporating at least one of sweet potato or potato. Then I get whatever tinned…
  • This has been my problem for so long! I attribute part of it to the panic of having no meals left in the day. :blushing: I know some people are very much against eating late at night but I have started eating dinner later. In part because I usually am exercising when I would have been eating before (say somewhere between…
  • "Do you sell bread?" I occasionally work in a bread bakery in between being a student. I also like: "Just some bread please" and "How much is it for bread?" given that we have around 30 varieties!