Doctor Who



  • holyguacamole37
    holyguacamole37 Posts: 73 Member
    My ringtone is the theme song for Doctor Who. Surprisingly, only women have picked up on the song; no man has recognized it yet.

    Of the rebooted Dr. Who, I've liked every Doctor, but Tennant still tops Matt Smith in my opinion. His intensity and constant underlying sorrow were palpable. Preferred that to Smith's child-like wonder.

    I didn't like her at first, but Doctor-Donna was a fascinating sidekick and story arc.

    My ringtone is actually the TARDIS noise. Nobody outside my family gets it, though - they think it's just a weird sound effect...
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    You should start a group to talk about the show.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Matt Smith. I like Rory more than Amy, does that count?
    I'm a recent Matt Smith convert too...
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    You David Tennant fans are missing out. I refused to watch after he left, but Matt Smith owns it, with his bow tie and child-like wonder.

    I'm still watching! I just miss David.. :sad:
  • Mymag
    Mymag Posts: 83 Member
    Matt Smith. I like Rory more than Amy, does that count?
    I'm a recent Matt Smith convert too...

    i think he does count, as does captain jack
  • holyguacamole37
    holyguacamole37 Posts: 73 Member
    Matt Smith. I like Rory more than Amy, does that count?
    I'm a recent Matt Smith convert too...

    LOVE Rory!!!
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Christopher Eccleston left because the BBC were a little bit crap.
    How anyone can hate River, just...just no.

    This is my bathroom door:

  • Mymag
    Mymag Posts: 83 Member
    Christopher Eccleston left because the BBC were a little bit crap.
    How anyone can hate River, just...just no.

    This is my bathroom door:


    i hope that's the outside of the door. while i love the doctor and amy, i wouldn't like them staring at me while i'm trying to-- okay i'll stop here
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Ha! Yes it's outside my door.

    New group:
  • lcgs7713
    lcgs7713 Posts: 12 Member
    Hell Yeah!! but the best doctor was David Tennant "The Tenth Doctor" and I love the show "Doctor Who"
  • Mymag
    Mymag Posts: 83 Member
    this is the poster i got :)

  • paperlily
    paperlily Posts: 17 Member
    Ooh, I wonder if anyone can guess without me saying...

  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I loved Christopher Ecclestone for his sheer understated alienness, but how could I leave David Tenant behind? And let's face it, Tom Baker was and will always be THE Doctor.

    I'd struggle to chose between Leila, Sarah-Jane Smith and Rose for an assistant.

    OK, Leila for pure feistiness.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    David Tennant and Rose Tyler. Always.

    This would be my choice for now. But I am a latecomer and am only in Season 3 right now so I reserve the right to change my mind later.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    Ok so I either get messages or friend requests asking if my username is because of THE Doctor (it is).
    And lots of people have said they love Doctor Who...So, I made a thread.

    Who loves Doctor Who?
    Who is your favourite Doctor?
    Who is your favourite assistant?

    Matt Smith (Most recent Dr)
    Amy Pond (Most recent assistant)

    David tennant (The true doctor in my opinion)

    also...really...Matt smith? im going to vent a little...nothing personal....

    Matt Smith is not the Doctor. The Doctor would not use his sonic screwdriver as a crutch to figure out problems. The Doctor would not recet the universe so that the aweful writting would make sense. Weaping angels episode....since when did they kill? and when they were charging in the field...they saw each other..meaning they should of been stuck in stone forever.......OH and lest we forget the *if you have a picture it becomes one*....hmm...In blink....the woman gave the doctor a picture of the angels so that she could warn him,,,,

    and lets not forget how they royaly messed up River not even going to go there...not worth it....*sigh*

    I'm soryr but this *new* season of Doctor Who is just cookie cutter crap!! bring back long plot lines that went for many episodes, bring back good actors who can show emotion without looking constipated. Bring back the assistants that were useful and didnt try to sleep with the doctor in the first episode! bring back Doctor who..and not this Doctor wtf

    ok im done...sorry ><
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Ok so I either get messages or friend requests asking if my username is because of THE Doctor (it is).
    And lots of people have said they love Doctor Who...So, I made a thread.

    Who loves Doctor Who?
    Who is your favourite Doctor?
    Who is your favourite assistant?

    Matt Smith (Most recent Dr)
    Amy Pond (Most recent assistant)

    David tennant (The true doctor in my opinion)

    also...really...Matt smith? im going to vent a little...nothing personal....

    Matt Smith is not the Doctor. The Doctor would not use his sonic screwdriver as a crutch to figure out problems. The Doctor would not recet the universe so that the aweful writting would make sense. Weaping angels episode....since when did they kill? and when they were charging in the field...they saw each other..meaning they should of been stuck in stone forever.......OH and lest we forget the *if you have a picture it becomes one*....hmm...In blink....the woman gave the doctor a picture of the angels so that she could warn him,,,,

    and lets not forget how they royaly messed up River not even going to go there...not worth it....*sigh*

    I'm soryr but this *new* season of Doctor Who is just cookie cutter crap!! bring back long plot lines that went for many episodes, bring back good actors who can show emotion without looking constipated. Bring back the assistants that were useful and didnt try to sleep with the doctor in the first episode! bring back Doctor who..and not this Doctor wtf

    ok im done...sorry ><

    You're banned from my group!!!!!!!
    I'm kidding...but I'm not...Or am I?
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    You David Tennant fans are missing out. I refused to watch after he left, but Matt Smith owns it, with his bow tie and child-like wonder.

    How am I missing out? Tennant and Rose are my favorite, but that decision was made having seen Matt Smith also. I like Matt, but he is not my favorite. Missing out means I never watched him.

    And I'm not certain I understand the second sentence either. If you refused to watch it after Tennant left, how do you know Matt owns it because that would mean you've never seen Matt.

    Maybe I misread something?
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    You David Tennant fans are missing out. I refused to watch after he left, but Matt Smith owns it, with his bow tie and child-like wonder.

    How am I missing out? Tennant and Rose are my favorite, but that decision was made having seen Matt Smith also. I like Matt, but he is not my favorite. Missing out means I never watched him.

    And I'm not certain I understand the second sentence either. If you refused to watch it after Tennant left, how do you know Matt owns it because that would mean you've never seen Matt.

    Maybe I misread something?

    Less misreading, more being too serious.
  • debswebby
    David Tennant and Rose Tyler. Always.

    Ditto! I'm still mourning the loss of David Tennant...

    I'm with you. I couldn't abide the last series. I stopped watching it.
  • debswebby

    I'm soryr but this *new* season of Doctor Who is just cookie cutter crap!! bring back long plot lines that went for many episodes, bring back good actors who can show emotion without looking constipated. Bring back the assistants that were useful and didnt try to sleep with the doctor in the first episode! bring back Doctor who..and not this Doctor wtf

    ok im done...sorry ><

    YEAH Damn right! :drinker: