Doctor Who



  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    I would have to say David Tennant - pause while my pulse returns to normal! and Rose Tyler although I loved Donna cos she was so funny and I really like Amy. Not so keen on Matt Smith though.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm a HUGE Doctor Who fan (in both senses of the word :laugh:)

    I vaguely remember Patrick Troughton (2nd Doctor) but Jon Pertwee (3rd Doctor) was by seminal Doctor and Jo Grant (Katy Manning) was a wonderful companion.

    I did like Tom Baker (4th Doctor) and methinks he is so fondly remembered because he was there the longest (on screen... before all you Sylvester McCoy fans mention his 17yr tenure as most of it was off-screen). Likewise Sarah-Jane Smith (Liz Sladen) was the best companion ever and she is sorely missed.

    Peter Davidson's 5th Doctor was a true renaissance and I loved Nyssa and Adric and Tegan as companions too.

    Unfortunately, by Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy's 6th and 7th Doctors I had grown away from the series, but am looking to catch up on DVD one day soon.

    Paul McGann's 8th Doctor was so full of promise and I know he has a loyal following in audio format.

    Now Christopher Ecclestone was a bold choice for 8th Doctor as he was a very well-known face and he played a Doctor in turmoil very well.

    Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) was an excellent companion and I loved the whole back-story with Jackie and Micky and Pete.

    David Tennent is the 10th and finest Doctor. Ok, I'm biased as he's tenuously a family friend (His dad was my aunt & uncle's minister and I used to go to his dad's seaside missions on Millport every summer when I was a wee boy :blushing: )

    Donna Tait (Catherine Tait) was also a brilliant companion and it was so sad that she had to have her memories of her time with the Doctor wiped (but they live on in Gradpa Wilf (Bernard Cribbens).

    So we are bang up to date with the truly wonderful Matt Smith and Mr & Mrs Williams and their rather grown-up and worldly-wise daughter Melody. ... spoilers..... Not sure if everyone is as up to date as the UK folks, so I don't want to ruin the surprises. But I'm loving it, loving it, loving it!!!!! :love: :love: :love: Rory is one of the hottest companions EVER... love Rory to bits :smooched: :smooched:

  • IDontLikeRegistering
    I love Doctor Who!

    But how to pick a favourite? How to choose between Patrick Troughton, Chris Eccleston and Matt Smith?

    Same goes for companions. How can I pick between Turlough, Peri, Harry, Romana and River? Oh, they're all so great.

    My favourite Doctor/Companion combo is Colin Baker's Doctor with Peri. Hours of *****y fun in the TARDIS.

    Perhaps it's because I'm male and straight; I never really took to David Tennant. He was competent enough, but I thought that his character was not nearly alien enough.
  • IDontLikeRegistering
    My favourite Doctor/Companion combo is Colin Baker's Doctor with Peri. Hours of *****y fun in the TARDIS.

    Hehehe I've been censored! Well, you'll have to guess what that word was! I promise I was keeping it family-friendly!
  • sweebeesmom
    I love doctor who. David Tennant's my favorite. Doctor Donna is probably my favorite companion, she was the funniest anyway. I'd like to see them do something in the future with the parallel worlds and bring him back at some point later in his timeline.

    Matt Smith and Amy are second favorites. I met them this year at comic con in the elevator of our hotel. They were SUPER nice, and it doesn't hurt that they are both gorgeous people. ;)
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    10th Doctor and Donna Noble. I'd give anything to have Catherine Tate back but I know that won't happen!
  • Stripycat
    Stripycat Posts: 66 Member
    DW's been pretty much a constant in my life. In times of trouble, I find myself turning to him, in a WWTDD? type way.

    My classic Dr, when i first started watching for myself rather than just cos my big bro was watching, was Davidson. But my favourite has been Tennant.

    Favourite companions: Rose and Donna (although I am tenuously related to Turlough).

    Best combinations Eccleston and Rose, then Tennant and Rose (until she came back and Bilie had made her posh... wrong), but Tennant and Tate were hilarious and had some brilliantly written eps and plotlines.

    Also: BIG love to Bernard Cribbins, a proper hero of the Whoniverse. Wilf was a great character, and lovely to see him in actual Who, not just the old (non-cannon) films.

    Best episode, unquestioningly has to be Blink. *still wow*
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I love the Doctor! I wish he would take me away in his little big blue box. -sigh- Anyway, my favorite doctor, hands down, is Matt Smith. Love him so much! He's so cute and I just wanna pinch him! My favorite assistant is Donna! I especially loved the Doctor Donna episodes. I miss Donna, I cried when she couldn't remember the doctor :(
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    Matt Smith and Amy and Rory.
  • skinnyyemilyy
    David Tennant and Rose Tyler. Always.

  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Who loves Doctor Who? My girl and I
    Who is your favourite Doctor? David Tennant
    Who is your favourite assistant? Rose Tyler

  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I seem to be in the minority but I loved Christopher Eccleston & Rose Tyler. I have to say though that Matt Smith does an amazing job and I love Rory.
  • deliciousappleblue
    Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston *swoon*), and Donna Noble. She's freaking hilarious, even though a lot of her episodes are very loud (which may or may not be entirely her fault, since she's not always yelling by herself) - especially the first one. Everyone in that episode was just YELLING THE ENTIRE TIME. Gawd.
  • BigDanTX
    BigDanTX Posts: 92 Member
    Best Dr Who: Rowan Atkinson

    Worst Dr Who: The Peter Cushing movies

    Come on I'm not the only one who has seen them right?
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    David Tennant and Donna!!! :heart:
  • kimeister
    Fave Doc is definitely Tennant. Favorite companion is tough to choose. I think my favorite just might be Rory. He's certainly grown quite a lot. I've also liked Martha, Amy, and Rose save for her last season.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    Favourite Doctor is a toss up between Tom Baker, David Tennant, and Christopher Eccleston. Companions, Donna hands down. Amy is unbearable.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Tom Baker and Sarah Jane Smith.
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    Tenant leaving was horrible and I still miss him, but Matt Smith has won me over. :)
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I have always loved Doctor Who!
    My absolute favorite Doctor will always be Tom Baker but a close second is David Tennant. At first I didn't really like Matt Smith but I'm really digging him the more I watch him.
    My favorite sidekick is hard. They all have something going for them. I will say that I did like Sarah Jane. And Rose was fiesty LOL