

  • Have you tried the 100 calorie snack packs? Those are pretty yummy. Cocoa almonds, chocolate shakeology or a similar type shake, chocolate silk, I love all these :)
  • Yea deff add me! I could use all the friends I can get! I've changed how I was eating big time. I was eating soo much fast food for the conviency of it on the way to work and home but now I've been getting my food ready at home, drinking shakeology although not every day and working out which I had not been doing for quite…
  • Hey! I'm gonna add you all lol I like having accountability partners and getting tips! Lost about 14lbs so far :)
  • Hi! I'm in the central valley area hanford. Loving myfitness pal :) I'm doing TurboFire and Brazil buttlift. Feel free to add me! I love seeing inspiration and healthy eating tips. Good luck everyone!!
  • awesome!! way to go!
  • Hi!! I'll be 32 in July. Anyone feel free to add me as well :) I love seeing how others are doing on here. Nothing like motivating each other!
  • I started turbo fire while back and was going to the gym a few times a week and eating pretty good but fell off the wagon. Now I've been going to the gym again for the last couple weeks and started turbo fire again last week the prep schedule but still threw in a hitt workout but doing the program every day since I've been…
  • Add me!! I think having friends on here helps with motivation cause other people can see if your hitting your cal goals and losing weight and cheer you on! :)
  • I'll be doing the survivor mud run in nor cal mid April! I'm nervous but it sounds like lots of fun. Now gotta get in better shape so I can survive. How's the couch to 5k? I have an app for it but have yet to try it.