mithaearon Member


  • No. They contain calories and you need to make sure you don't go over a certain calory limit to lose weight. You will be suprised sometimes just how many calories certain veggies contain, and thus how easy it would be to go over your calory limit (same with fruit) if you have this "free/unlimited" mentality.
  • I see a lot of inaccurate measurement types such as cups and spoons. Weight everything. It is the only way to be sure you are being accuarte.
  • Thanks for the advice. Indian cuisine is my favourite and have been missing it (I have cooked the odd home made Rogan) so will take the tips here so I can have one soon.
  • My wife is having a similar problem, she's been doing it for 2 days too, under on her calories but over on her protein and sugar allowance. We are both at a lose as to why as she is eating similar foods to what I am (albeit different proportions).
  • I live in Gillingham in Kent :D
  • Over a stone in two weeks! Awesome. I am just starting out too, my first weigh in is this weekend (gulp) I am assuming I will see some quick initial lose then maybe slower as I will be replacing fat weight, with muscle weight (as they build). Good luck to you both!
  • I am the same when it comes to food, I am a creature of habit I guess. I mean my diary for this week is breakfast everyday the same and lunch so far. I can't see that changing. I should add a couple of things: * Once or twice a week I would be bad and buy sandwiches for breakfast and lunch and a bottle of Cherry Coke from…
  • There you go, I picture of me playing in my band. It would be awkward if that previous picture was of me, and I looked like a blue alien headed person :D EDIT: I am a listener :D