Howdy All


I thought I would tell you all a bit about myself, so sit right there and I'll tell you how I became the prince of thats not right...Aaaaanway.

I have never been sylphlike‎ or thin by any defination of the word, but was a lot slimmer than what I am now. I used to skateboard and play basketball, now in my mid thirties that has been replaced with a computer programming desk top. I have tried in the past to lose some pounds but have never gotten anywhere but this time after discovering this site and its phone app I am really determined. I know it's too late for this summer (which is almost over with here in the U.K.) but it gives me plenty of time for next year. I want to skate again (I still sort of do but its just crusing as I am too overweight for tricks and such), and next year want to go surfing. These are my two main sources of motivation to keep going with this.

So I weighed myself on Friday 19th July and whilst it was not as much as I thought it would be, it was still far too much at 267lbs (19.1st). I am currently 6'2" if that helps anyone visualize the size. I believe my "ideal" weight is 182lbs(13st), but I am not too sure if I should worry about that because surely that doesn't take into account peoples unique frame and muscle. So what I am doing is using that as a rough figure but more concentrating on body size and shape and feeling healthier. I am breaking this down into chunks with the first goal is to reached 224lbs(16st).

Following the MFP, I have it so if I follow the plan I should be loosing 2lbs a week. My first weigh in since starting is this Saturday so we will see. I am assuming that at first I won't see much as I have no muscle so whilst excersing I am loosing fat but gaining some muscle so my weight may not change??

At the moment I haven't really noticed a major change in my life style as I have always eaten pretty healthily. I have never eaten processed foods or pre cooked ready meals as I don't like the flavours. I think what has let me down is more the size of the meals. So as I say with the current plan there haven't been any major changes, which should make it easier to stick to, but there have been some minor changes, which I hope that in time will add up to some major changes in my weight. These are:

* I am now weighing all my foods. I have always had cereal for Breakfast and Lunch but before just filled the containers I took into work right up, where as now I weigh, usually taking between 50g to 100g depending on my day. Also I am now eating half a Grapefuit for breakfast and Muesli for lunch, rather than two lots of cereals.

* Weighing main meal ingredients and tracking calories, keeping portions sensible. I have never been a fan of salad but this week I have started, making a fresh mixed leaf, with pepper and herbs (all home grown).

* To begin with, no more take aways. In the past whilst not been every day there would be once or twice where a take away would come in if too tired to cook.

* Excerise routine. I walk 1.5 miles into work every day at a brisk pace. 4 out of 5 working days of the week I am currently doing a 15 minute work out using Your Shape: Fitness Evolved. I do plan to increase the time as the weight comes off. The other working day of the week I plan to go swimming for a 30 minute session, again upping it as I get fitter. The first swimming session was last night. I was nervous about it as I would have to expose my belly to the public but I did it! Saturday I will have a wind down day and start learning Tai Chi which is something I have always wanted to do. And finally Sunday I will have an early morning skate session going somewhere private and out the way (re)learning some tricks.

It's only been a few days so there's no real change to see but one thing I have noticed is that I can now move my leg (both sides) up above my knee with ease now (sitting down or standing up) without having to put them there in postion with hands. So I guess thats a postive thing. I think it's going to need these little milestones to keep me going as the actual phyical difference is going to take a long time so will need them to mark that there are improvements and to keep going.

Thanks for reading my waffle, and I hope this time I can stick with and next summer there will be a healthier and fitter me.


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Change your profile pic. My mommy always told me not to talk to blue alien head people.

    HA................that was fast. good work. You listen well. :smile:
  • mithaearon
    mithaearon Posts: 9 Member
    There you go, I picture of me playing in my band. It would be awkward if that previous picture was of me, and I looked like a blue alien headed person :D

    EDIT: I am a listener :D
  • RoninLife
    RoninLife Posts: 64
    I measure my food but I refuse to get a food scale because for me that would be a whole new obsession, lol. I already have so many gadgets in my kitchen I could barely fit anything on the counter...

    As for food, I have a tendency to stick to what I know so I am always eating the same foods because I'm scared to eat out or venture into trying new health friendly cuisine... I tried being a raw vegan once and it lasted a week... I came to realize that I really hate the taste of uncooked vegetables....

    Anyway, welcome! Feel free to add :)
  • mithaearon
    mithaearon Posts: 9 Member
    I am the same when it comes to food, I am a creature of habit I guess. I mean my diary for this week is breakfast everyday the same and lunch so far. I can't see that changing.

    I should add a couple of things:

    * Once or twice a week I would be bad and buy sandwiches for breakfast and lunch and a bottle of Cherry Coke from the shop on the way into work. Going to cut that out.

    * I am not currently eating up to my calories because mainly I am too full to do so and I don't see the point in eating if I am not hungry and don't need to. I also figure that I will be under estimating the calories in what I have eaten and over estermation the calories I have burnt excercising so that will be a buffer for that.

    I have just ordered a HRM watch that is water proof so I can use that to monitor all my excerise activities including swimming. I am sure Fitness Evolved under estimates calories. My mile and a half brisk walk is fine, some sweating and heart rate increase but nothing not dying or any thing. MFP says 182 calories burnt. 15 minutes on YSFE 100 calories burnt and yet I am almost dying, sweat pouring off me, arms and legs aching.