

  • My trigger food is cookies. I love cookies. Cookies are God. So I don't buy cookies. If my father in law brings them over, or on the off chance I'm motivated enough to bake some, I will take one and put the rest up out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind - or at least takes more work to get them down from the top of the…
  • I used to be able to eat nearly a whole box of twinkies and not gain an ounce. Ah, high as hell metabolism - those were the days. I also can't have 4 cookies and a glass of milk anymore. Just one cookie a day. I am a cookie monster. But you know what? It's ALL good. My metabolism now has the jump start it needed - I weight…
  • LOL LOL LOL ARE YOU KIDDING ME? The dude translated French and you think he's a government spy? Dude, stop eating those magic mushrooms.
  • I'm guessing its in how the chemical process is - the sugar must be bound to other molecules that makes it harder for the body to break down.
  • Keep it up! You will have days where you feel like you've failed and that's ok. Water is good for you. Most Americans are chronically dehydrated and don't know it. I drink my coffee and tea without sugar now, so I count my 16 oz of coffee and my 16 oz of water as part of my water intake for the day, plus I drink about 2…
  • I totally get your point. I probably misjudge how much I'm eating because I'm too ADHD and not OCD enough to get out a measuring cup for everything. And I think of the same thing you do. There's exercise calories I'm not logging every day either - like the walking and pushing around a shopping cart I did 2 nights ago. Or…
  • It probably depends on how often you chew it. I chew a 5 calorie piece of gum MAYBE once every two weeks... so it's not really worth logging. But if you chew gum every day, I would log it.
  • Let him go. You're only holding on because you haven't found someone better yet to make you forget about him. Your soul mate is out there you just haven't found yet. Let him be and just be friends.
  • I too had to find ways to lower my stress because the last three years pretty much put me in chronic stress and kept my cortisol levels raised. I meditate listening to all kinds of music for a few minutes a day. And I always take at least a few minutes out of my day for ME time. I can't survive without some me time!…
  • Yes, its too good to be true. Quick weight loss = quickly gaining lbs later. People who lose weight quickly tend to go up and down a lot instead of sticking to a lifestyle change that promotes good health for life. I've read several times the slower you lose your weight, the better off you are and the more likely you are…
  • Nothing she said has anything to do with illegal drugs. Quit being a douche and go work out or something to let out your sexual frustration.
  • ^^^ THIS! Very well said
  • It's not silly at all. People don't post their stories and feelings to have the world to mock them for not being perfect. The argument that anybody, including yourself, who posts on the internet should expect whatever opinions they get and have no right to complain because they put themselves out there is just a…
  • Cars don't have feelings, people do. Apples and oranges, my friend.
  • But posting on a forum giving your true feelings towards someone in her situation does give light into your attitude towards patient care. If this is how you truly feel about people in her situation, then you have no business trying to help them. I've been largely silent in this outside of my one post, but I will say this:…
  • Yep. Water weight - hormones - it sucks.
  • Thank you for posting this because its exactly right. Unfortunately, she is still influenced by outside forces and the decision to stay fat is another of the same defense mechanism she's been fighting for years. She does need to love herself and overcome the past before the emotion behind her behavior will change. And its…
  • That's a great idea!
  • Blech... I wish a decent pair wasn't so expensive. I won't even tell you how old my only pair of athletic shoes are. I only use them at the gym and I probably have been overdue for a good pair for a long time. /sigh
  • I'm not sure what I want more, actually. Hm...
  • ok, thanks so much for all the info. The tool said my BMR was 1337, so I think i'm actually pretty close the past two days of being where I actually should be if I add my average exercise to that and do the 10-15%. Some of this information is very new to me, so I appreciate you taking the time to explain it.
  • Oh yes, using that function quite regularly. Weeding out all the crap now to save myself pain later. ;)
  • I'm not leaving. Just won't be on the forums much.
  • oooh, thank you!
  • I thought the rules on this site specifically said not to correct people's grammar and command of English, etc? Congratulations, troll. You have just been reported.
  • Thank you so much. I appreciate your honesty.
  • I've never heard of NROL4W until getting on this site 3 days ago, but let me share what I already do and what I've read up to this point. Every day I do some strength training and some cardio. It seems I need to kick it up a notch with the strength training, but maybe I'm doing it just right too. I'm not sure. My confusion…
  • Have your thyroid tested and make sure your Dr.'s office uses the more recent guidelines from 2003ish. My thyroid is borderline-high which for me caused all the same symptoms you are experiencing. I've had zero sex drive as well, along with the depression and feeling like there is something wrong with me. Make sure they do…
  • Thanks, everyone. I'll log my reps and weight and then manually calculate what I'm doing and add it to the cardio. I knew I'd find the answer if I asked. :)