My story is different than most...



  • Thank you for your thoughtful response.

    Based on the people around me and the newbie link articles I read, it seemed like most people had at least 30+ lbs to lose and were considered at least overweight and that they would start losing a lot right away and then slow down. The scale hasn't changed for me at all and I'm going to do my measurements tonight just to get a starting point so I have more than just the scale to go by. I don't think a lot of people with a healthy BMI are trying to lose weight. At least, it doesn't seem that way with the people around me.

    The sarcastic trolls can take a hike.
  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    The sarcastic trolls can take a hike.

    ^^ This. :drinker:

    My BMI just slipped into the 'healthy' range, yet I still have 24 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight (and a BMI of 21.5 -- smack dab in the middle of 'healthy') ... so your goal makes perfect sense to me. And, while you may lose more slowly than others who have more to lose, hang in there, log your calories, and you will reach it.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Welcome Nature. And welcome to the world of forums. I did a short little study (based on this topic alone) and came to the conclusion that sarcasm and nastiness -- contrary to popular belief -- are not necessarily beneficial to weight loss, as those who were pleasant with you have lost more weight than those who were not. So I am at a loss as to what motivation leads to their offensive behavior.

    Perhaps what they were having trouble finding appropriate words to say is that, no matter what your starting point or your goals, your story is every bit as valid as anyone else's story.

    Or maybe they need a cookie?

    Good luck on your journey.

    Well said .....and Welcome to MFP Nature
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Thank you for your thoughtful response.

    Based on the people around me and the newbie link articles I read, it seemed like most people had at least 30+ lbs to lose and were considered at least overweight and that they would start losing a lot right away and then slow down. The scale hasn't changed for me at all and I'm going to do my measurements tonight just to get a starting point so I have more than just the scale to go by. I don't think a lot of people with a healthy BMI are trying to lose weight. At least, it doesn't seem that way with the people around me.

    The sarcastic trolls can take a hike.

    I wouldn't worry about your BMI, and I wouldn't be a slave to the scale, either. A person with a lot of muscle mass can have an overweight BMI, even though they have a low bf%. Someone suggested progressive weight training, which is a great idea if you're not already doing it. You got a lot of helpful advice here regarding groups and searching for posts from people with similar stats. Good luck getting to where you want to be. :flowerforyou:
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    i think whenever someone comes in to a forum and says "ok so i'm actually different from the rest of you" it DOES sound somewhat elitist and the natural reaction from people is either "so what are you doing here" or "actually no, you aren't that special" Now add to that the very personal and difficult nature of weight and body image, and sorry but yes, a message like the one the OP posted is going to result in people "putting her in her place" so to speak.

    MFP is a place where people come to get support. When someone of a healthy weight comes in and says "I'm different and I bet no one here understands me", well... lol yeah a girl like me who maxed out at 300 pounds isn't going to have as much sympathy as I would for someone of a healthy weight who says "I know I'm a healthy weight, but I'm just not happy, and I want to get fit"

    Is it right? I can't say that. It is expected and pretty much basic human nature? yeah.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    Thank you for your thoughtful response.

    Based on the people around me and the newbie link articles I read, it seemed like most people had at least 30+ lbs to lose and were considered at least overweight and that they would start losing a lot right away and then slow down. The scale hasn't changed for me at all and I'm going to do my measurements tonight just to get a starting point so I have more than just the scale to go by. I don't think a lot of people with a healthy BMI are trying to lose weight. At least, it doesn't seem that way with the people around me.

    The sarcastic trolls can take a hike.

    we cant.......sigh.......we are too fat. oh and screw you snickers for putting that ad up there!!! Dont say the word Hun*ry!!!!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    i think whenever someone comes in to a forum and says "ok so i'm actually different from the rest of you" it DOES sound somewhat elitist and the natural reaction from people is either "so what are you doing here" or "actually no, you aren't that special" Now add to that the very personal and difficult nature of weight and body image, and sorry but yes, a message like the one the OP posted is going to result in people "putting her in her place" so to speak.

    MFP is a place where people come to get support. When someone of a healthy weight comes in and says "I'm different and I bet no one here understands me", well... lol yeah a girl like me who maxed out at 300 pounds isn't going to have as much sympathy as I would for someone of a healthy weight who says "I know I'm a healthy weight, but I'm just not happy, and I want to get fit"

    Is it right? I can't say that. It is expected and pretty much basic human nature? yeah.

    Well good for you that you are so miserable with yourself that you don't even TRY to sympathize with other peoples' difficulties that are different than yours. I didn't come in here saying I wasn't happy. I came in here because I'm having difficulty getting down to what I know is a healthy weight for ME. I'm not some anorexic model looking for sympathy. Now run along, troll. Don't you have somebody else to go tear down?

    Wow, OP, someone nicely explains a natural human reaction, without being nasty and you respond with nastiness?

    Go you.

  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    i think whenever someone comes in to a forum and says "ok so i'm actually different from the rest of you" it DOES sound somewhat elitist
    Depends on who is listening ... what I heard was "not sure if my weight loss goals will be considered 'as good as' or 'as valid' because I don't have much to lose, but I am here and would like to say hello".
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    OP I think your post did come across the wrong way but that being said, I'm pretty sure you didn't mean anything by it! Since you're a healthy weight you might want to consider a body composition goal. If I were in your shoes, I would seriously consider some heavy lifting. Your body shape really changes and if you do eat at a deficit WHILE lifting, you get to keep all your strong muscles while losing body fat%. There are a few programs that you could look into New Rules of Lifting for Women; Stronglifts 5x5; Starting Strength. Lots of great feedback on the forums for NROLFW (which I currently follow) and I must say I was shocked at how quickly my body shape began to change. You might surprise yourself. When I heat people say they are close to their goal weight but they may want to re-evaluate it, or they weren't happy at such and such a weight, but that's a normal range for them I think of lifting. Food for thought.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    i think whenever someone comes in to a forum and says "ok so i'm actually different from the rest of you" it DOES sound somewhat elitist and the natural reaction from people is either "so what are you doing here" or "actually no, you aren't that special" Now add to that the very personal and difficult nature of weight and body image, and sorry but yes, a message like the one the OP posted is going to result in people "putting her in her place" so to speak.

    MFP is a place where people come to get support. When someone of a healthy weight comes in and says "I'm different and I bet no one here understands me", well... lol yeah a girl like me who maxed out at 300 pounds isn't going to have as much sympathy as I would for someone of a healthy weight who says "I know I'm a healthy weight, but I'm just not happy, and I want to get fit"

    Is it right? I can't say that. It is expected and pretty much basic human nature? yeah.

    Oooh nevermind.
    What's the point....
  • OP I think your post did come across the wrong way but that being said, I'm pretty sure you didn't mean anything by it! Since you're a healthy weight you might want to consider a body composition goal. If I were in your shoes, I would seriously consider some heavy lifting. Your body shape really changes and if you do eat at a deficit WHILE lifting, you get to keep all your strong muscles while losing body fat%. There are a few programs that you could look into New Rules of Lifting for Women; Stronglifts 5x5; Starting Strength. Lots of great feedback on the forums for NROLFW (which I currently follow) and I must say I was shocked at how quickly my body shape began to change. You might surprise yourself. When I heat people say they are close to their goal weight but they may want to re-evaluate it, or they weren't happy at such and such a weight, but that's a normal range for them I think of lifting. Food for thought.

    Thank you so much for the suggestion. I do have strength training as part of my routine, but maybe I should challenge the amount of weight a bit more than I do. :)
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    Welcome to the site! I started the site only wanting to lose about 4-5 lbs and then maintain. Plus I wanted to learn more about weights etc. if I ever get the motivation to actually try that stuff!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    How is your story any different than anyone else's?

  • RachaelPeachyKeen
    RachaelPeachyKeen Posts: 4 Member
    How tall are you? For someone that's only 5'2", 142 is a lot different than for someone that is 5'9".
  • How tall are you? For someone that's only 5'2", 142 is a lot different than for someone that is 5'9".

    I'm 5' 5 1/2"
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Welcome OP. if you would like support feel free to add me. No idea what provokes so much hostility just by telling your story but filter that stuff out and find yourself some supportive buddies. Good luck with your goals.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    i think whenever someone comes in to a forum and says "ok so i'm actually different from the rest of you" it DOES sound somewhat elitist and the natural reaction from people is either "so what are you doing here" or "actually no, you aren't that special" Now add to that the very personal and difficult nature of weight and body image, and sorry but yes, a message like the one the OP posted is going to result in people "putting her in her place" so to speak.

    MFP is a place where people come to get support. When someone of a healthy weight comes in and says "I'm different and I bet no one here understands me", well... lol yeah a girl like me who maxed out at 300 pounds isn't going to have as much sympathy as I would for someone of a healthy weight who says "I know I'm a healthy weight, but I'm just not happy, and I want to get fit"

    Is it right? I can't say that. It is expected and pretty much basic human nature? yeah.

    Well good for you that you are so miserable with yourself that you don't even TRY to sympathize with other peoples' difficulties that are different than yours. I didn't come in here saying I wasn't happy. I came in here because I'm having difficulty getting down to what I know is a healthy weight for ME. I'm not some anorexic model looking for sympathy. Now run along, troll. Don't you have somebody else to go tear down?

    wow, you completely missed the point of what i was trying to say.

    I never implied that you were anorexic looking for sympathy, in fact, I think I implied pretty strongly that i CAN understand someone who is already healthy and wants to get fit.
    I wasn't trolling, I don't even know what about what i said would seem like I was.
    I don't see where I was tearing you down, I was trying to explain why you got the reaction you did from so many people.
    Also, maybe take a look at the part where i said it's not necessarily right, but it is human.

    oh and, I'm not miserable, I'm happier than I have been in 10 years.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member

    Wow, OP, someone nicely explains a natural human reaction, without being nasty and you respond with nastiness?

    Go you.


    @Familiar : thank you for that. I'm glad at least someone understood where I was coming from.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member

    Wow, OP, someone nicely explains a natural human reaction, without being nasty and you respond with nastiness?

    Go you.


    @Familiar : thank you for that. I'm glad at least someone understood where I was coming from.

    FWIW, I got it, too. Well (and nicely) put. :flowerforyou:

    OP - I can relate to what you were trying to say. I started out at 5'4" and 149 pounds. Hardly obese, but I wasn't happy. Now I'm at 130 pounds (no luck on getting taller :grumble:) and I'm still not where I want to be. MFP is for those of us wanting to shed "vanity pounds," too.
  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    I'm 5'3 1/2" now at 147 working towards 135. However I checked my weight and height and says 125-137. I'm an apple I can relate...had the pg ? many frustrating! Feel free to friend me. I will do my best to encourage you and would be great if you'd encourage me a bit!

    I'm glad your here and welcome!
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