

  • I think it is true that in work places most people don't feel comfortable making these kinds of remarks. I also think that other people are not as focussed on us as we are! It is also good that they might not notice when you lose weight because if some sneaks back on they won't notice that either!!:wink:
  • Check out the 5:2 fasting diet. There is a group on Mfp. It does 2 days a week extreme restriction then 5 days average calories. It is much more sustainable.
  • We just have to eat less. There are worse things in life so best not to stress about the things you can't change.
  • New to this - that quote was referring to the post that said anyone can lose on 1600 calls. :)
  • That is a very broad generalisation - that depends how tall they are,how old they are, how active they are and how much weight they have to lose.
  • Check out the 5:2 'fasting diet". There is a group on mfp and lots of information on the web. It requires severe calorie restriction for 2 days a week but then you can relax a lot on the other days. (Not recommended for some health issues and some people so read carefully) For people who struggle with sustaining a 1200 cal…
  • The weight really falls off by itself when you are breastfeeding. Eat well, rest when you can and don't be in a hurry to lose it. This is such a special time just enjoy your baby.
  • Find a book called the "Don't go hungry diet" by an Australian scientist. It talks about re-training your body to recognise when it is hungry. It is not a diet at all but has lots of scientific evidence about weightloss and the body's reactions to food. Some people have found it really enlightening regarding respecting…
  • They sound like Marilyn Mnroe measurements to be quite proud of. My daughter is 21 and weighs around 125 - 130 lbs - she is 5'5'. She has muscles from dancing. She looks great and fits into size 8 (Aus) in most styles.
  • Not quite 50! Best advice is slow and steady (a kilo a month is what successful long term dieters achieve - this has been shown in studies) - eat real food moderately and record what you eat most days of the week. Exercise helps mentally, physically and emotionally.
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