Am I Still Going To Lose Weight?

I've been doing MFP for a while now and it has totally helped me, but in a slow process. Before, and I don't know how, I was sticking to the 1200 calorie goal. Lately is has been SO hard for me to stick to the 1200 calories. I go over almost everyday. Right now my average is around 1500/1700 calories. Right now I'm 5'2, 207 lbs, and 24 years old.

Basically, am I still going to be able to lose weight or do I need to work harder to stay at 1200 calories. I have days where I get close to 2000 but rarely over. I kinda had the mind set that 2000 was the norm and since I'm already over weight I could feel better just knowing I still stayed below the 2000 without feeling terrible. Am I setting myself up for failure with that mindset? That its okay to eat at the normal range because I've so clearly ate WAY above it for so long to gain all this weight?

I eat a lot of nuts, my favorites to snack on are cashews and pistachios, which is why I almost always go over in my calories.



  • zcoqui
    zcoqui Posts: 5 Member
    I think at your weight 1200 calories is too low. I am 5'2 and weigh about the same. I was aiming for 1500 calories, but lately have been closer to 1700 and I've still been losing. I'm only 3 weeks in, and still worry that I have too many calories, but I am trying to concentrate on being strict with just tracking and trying to add in exercise to start. I think you could aim for 1700, which is much easier to manage. That will help you concentrate on being mindful of what you are eating and allow you to add in exercise without it being too overwhelming or feeling like you are starving.
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    You are close to my wifes weight and she has been losing about 2 pounds per week on average the last 5 months [40 pounds so far]. She has been eating in the 1500 to 1700 range also. She does get a good amount of exercise working in retail. If you want to eat 1200 calories some days it won't hurt you but you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.
  • cocono
    cocono Posts: 22
    Check out the 5:2 'fasting diet". There is a group on mfp and lots of information on the web. It requires severe calorie restriction for 2 days a week but then you can relax a lot on the other days. (Not recommended for some health issues and some people so read carefully) For people who struggle with sustaining a 1200 cal (which is pretty restrictive) it is great.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm 5'2" also. I normally try not to tell people to consume more or less calories (unless it's something obviously ridiculous), but 1) you should never feel hungry regardless if you need to lose weight or not, & 2) sorry, but 1,200 cals is way too low for you.

    1,600-1,800 cals/ day is totally fine & healthy & with all that math ridiculous stuff you still should be able to lose weight. I started MFP about 2&1/2 weeks ago when I started working out again, & though I was hoping to lose 2lbs/ week, I just lost my first pound a few days ago. Take comfort in this though: People who lose weight slowly & gradually usually have a better chance of either keeping losing weight or having it stay off. If you lose it quick you are very likely to gain it back quick & then some.

    I also normally don't like suggesting numbers but since that is what you're looking for, try pacing yourself for 1,800 calories first. Be consistent with that. When you get through a whole week of not being hungry on 1,800 cals, reduce it 50-100 cals the following week. Keep doing that so where you don't lower your cals until you have a whole week of not being hungry. That way your mind will get used to it, your body will get used to it, you'll see patterns better (like when you get hungry & what foods make you fuller longer, etc) and you'll be more likely to stick with something consistently. You don't want to ever be hungry, for many reasons.
    Hope that helps. :)
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    get rid of the nuts!!!!

    yes nuts are healthy, yes they are great sources of fat but at what cost.

    I dont buy peanut butter because i can eat 1/2 family size jug with 1/2 gallon milk no problem. thats like 5kCal.
  • applekrisp1988
    How are you measuring up with carbs? Try cutting those down or out entirely.
  • darcyrose_texas
    I NEVER stay under my calorie goal, which is 1200! According to MFP, at 1200, I should be losing 1.5 pounds a week. However, I typically eat between 1500 to 1700 a day, and I have dropped about 2 pounds a week since I started. I look at it like "hey, I am going over, but I am still eating WAY less than I was before calorie counting."
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    Your TDEE is 2377 for light activity. With a 30% maximum decline you could lose weight and still consume 1663 calories daily.
  • kimmy_1432
    kimmy_1432 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I feel much better now. Before MFP I used to consume and horrendous amount of calories without noticing it. No wonder it was so hard for me to stick to 1200 calories. I thought if THIS is what it takes to lose weight I'll never get there because 1200 felt like such a core trying to even find foods that will fit. I love bread, pasta, and potatoes BUT I have cut them way down and now can easily stick to 1500/1700 calories. Usually when I logged I that amount I always felt like I did such a bad job. Maybe now I can relax and not feel so guilty.
  • SeahorseDolphin
    I agree, give yourself more calories to work with and you will be much less likely to eat excessively.