jennynoel Member


  • I am aware of that and I do exercise when I can make time, but between school, studying, work, a 2 year old, and housework I have like zero free time and when I do I am too exhausted to do anything.
  • I did eat a lot of free fruits and vegetables and used maybe a quarter of my weekly points for one meal on one day per week as a cheat day. Also from everything I've read on the WW site each point plus is about 50 calories, not 40?
  • I was at 28 points when I stopped WW.
  • Thanks everyone. I am definitely not blaming MFP for the fact that I haven't really lost any weight while using it. I just wondered if maybe there was something I wasn't doing right that I didn't know about. I do think that I maybe eat a little carb heavy when just tracking calories, because WW puts higher point values on…
  • I'm pretty busy and rarely make time to excercise. I usually don't put any exercise in and I have my calories set to 1400 daily. That should give me a weight loss of 1.3 lbs/week. I usually stay right at my target number of calories every day.
  • I did WW online so I don't have a book or anything. I considered using a free calculator but that gets pretty complicated having to put in all the nutrition info for everything. But, I may end up doing that if I can't get through this plateau.
  • I love my Mirena. I have had it for almost 2 years now. I did gain about 20 lbs after my daughter was born but I'm not sure if it was because of the IUD or another factor. I haven't had trouble losing the weight though. I have lost all that weight and then some.
  • I am joining this challenge in hopes that it will motivate me to start running. I am only setting my goal at 30 miles. If I can get in 2 miles every other day that will be a huge improvement over what I'm doing now!
  • It's kind of an acquired taste I think. I didn't really love it at first but kept eating it and now I wouldn't touch regular yogurt. I love Chobani vanilla. I'm still not a fan of the plain stuff but it is a good substitute for sour cream.