

  • You definitely should see a doctor and probably a dietitian. If you're not digesting food then you're most certainly not absorbing the nutrition from it either. You're eating right and losing weight, you want to make sure you're benefiting from it as well :) Be well, my friend.
  • Get your protein and fiber from real foods, not shakes. Your friend is trying to make money off you. Oh and stay away from protein powders too. I know a guy who dead lifts near 600 lbs and he doesn't take any of that crap.
  • Do you have a Publix grocery store nearby? They usually have scales.
  • I try to stay low carb, or rather take in some good carbs and not bad ones without going overboard. You'll be healthier and lose weight. There were times when I was FULL and had hundreds of calories left that I could eat for the day. My biggest problem was once I got close to my goal weight, the weight was coming off so…
  • There are always going to be haters. Don't let them get you down. If counting calories didn't work for her then so be it. You've lost quite a bit of weight by doing what works for you, remind her of that. Keep going! You're doing awesome!!
  • This is different for everyone and has to do with your circadian rhythm. For me it's some time between 10:30 am and 11 am that I weigh the least. Any time before that and I'll be up at least a pound or two.
  • You don't want to burn yourself out but a lot of people do some strength training on the other four days.
  • I'm like you. I'm 3 1/2 weeks in to the slow carb diet and my cravings for bread and junk food have gone away. I feel like I'm not hungry between meals and don't feel the need to eat for about 7-8 hours after my last meal. I'm a fat burning machine and I feel great. I started at 226 and am about 214 now. I think you'll…
  • I've had this happen too. Its frustrating but you have to realize this is your decision to be healthier, not theirs. Just keep saying "I can't eat like that anymore" It'll get easier with time.
  • I hear ya! It was a busy weekend at work and the boss kept bringing in donuts and pizza. There are so many barriers to my weight loss. We live in a great country where there is so much food. Today is a new week and I'm back on track!
  • Joe Dumars Isiah Thomas Dennis Rodman David Robinson Charles Barkley.
  • Haven't read the book but was did the hypnosis a couple days last month. It helped but I haven't kept up with it the way I should have. I can see it being a great tool. I've heard a lot of great things about all his stuff.
  • Emotions are powerful sometimes. I lost 50 pounds last year then got stressed out and gained 20 back. I'm back on track now but at times its a real battle. Seek support here with others. Maybe blog about your feelings before grabbing a cupcake. Sometimes just writing about it will help. Best of luck to you!