MzGibb23 Member


  • yeah I think I may use too much. (20-30 units nightly) If It was at my injection site, i'd understand more why it would sting but its a weird feeling. Im going to ask my doctor if I can split it up? Speaking of Doctors... I have to find a new one. I called to confirm my apt and to let work know to find out SHE MOVED…
    in Lantus Comment by MzGibb23 August 2013
  • I got pregnant the second time at a 7.9 and ended my pregnancy at a 5.4 I saw my OB every week and Perinatal Dr every 2 weeks (every week later) and had a..not crazy pregnancy but was on a watchful eye. My son will turn 2 This Monday 8/12 and he is so healthy! You have to put your trust in your doctors and if you cant,…
  • I'm in Texas! But 5 hours from you in good ole West Texas, Midland to be exact!
    in Texas?? Comment by MzGibb23 August 2013
  • I also use the novolog pen, but never had any "side effects" from it. I use the lantus at night and mid morning I have this burning sensation in my stomach and I notice it is only after I use lantus. I looked up side effects and this isn't listed. Hmm.
    in Lantus Comment by MzGibb23 August 2013
  • My entire family knows my weight gain/loss/insulin issue. Ive asked for help. It hasn't become routine and sometimes I honestly just need a reminder. I have set an alarm for the Lantus at night. I know it's a grieving issue. I became diabetic not even a month after my nephew passed. My nephew became very sick when he was…
    in Mind Set Comment by MzGibb23 August 2013
  • I am doing really well with lunch and breakfast (I think anyway) But dinner is my biggest struggle now. But I am working on it. So I know once I get that under control my insulin intake will be smaller. I guess im mentally preparing myself for some gain while I get back on track with insulin and actually eat right. But I…
    in Mind Set Comment by MzGibb23 August 2013
  • I do think I need that fear in me.. even tho ive seen it happen to my uncle. I just really don't understand it at all. I took my lantus last night and feared getting on the scale. Would I rather be overweight be have my eyesight and limbs, or skinny on dialysis at 30? Im making my effort. Im only one day in, but its a day…
    in Mind Set Comment by MzGibb23 August 2013
  • That kills me! Ive started doing homemade smoothies as my breakfast. Great right? no. I need to add more veggies I guess. But you're right. I can't do this to my son. I always mention him, but it's my husband as well. He didn't come into this marriage for his wife to do this to herself. Sick thing is, I told him I needed…
    in Mind Set Comment by MzGibb23 August 2013
  • Thank you ladies. I was upset no one responded, and again felt so alone. Now im in tears. I am being so selfish. I don't want my son having to give up his own life to take his mom to dialysis or hospital or to take flowers to my grave. It is so hard. Im crying really knowing what im doing to myself, but haven't taken…
    in Mind Set Comment by MzGibb23 August 2013
  • When my sugar drops at night I've noticed I get night terrors. Ill scream in my sleep, ive even did this weird sound in my sleep and my husband has to jerk me out of sleep. I check my glucose and it'll always be low.