

  • they sell really cute clothes ahah, but thank you:)
  • i have thought of changing it.. i feel like i need to do more cardio then anything.. and i feel like i make excuses for myself like.."im so tired" and "i dont feel like it" and i really need to get rid of that thinking..
  • i also feel like everyone says " love will come to you when your ready" i just feel like/.. HEY IM READY NOW! haha but i cant rush it you guys are right.. and someone will love me for me.. not what i look like
  • reading all your comments seriously made me so happy and feel so much better.. i been crying(sadly its lame i know) for like the last hour about this.. because i felt so fat and yucky.. i understand weight loss is a process and i shouldnt rush it.. its just really hard to remember that sometimes when you have these kinds…
  • thank you! i agree its nice to meet new people you can relate to!
  • thank you i appreciate it!:smile:
  • gotta admit you laughed haha
  • why thank you:) i know its really hard to fall off the wagon sometimes but the important thing is that you always start back up again because its never too late to try again:). i know i dont know why they dont add the chest measurement on here (esp for girls) but i decided to do it anyway! good luck to you too! keep the…
  • ahah were all kinda biotches sometimes. i cry easily too. its stinks sometimes because when im mad i tend to cry instead of getting angry ahha stinks
  • i know! i started doing a little strength training and i love the way it is making me feel and i feel you on the hips and butt thing, it seems like no matter how hard you try on some spots you never see improvement!
  • i feel ya on the butt thing. i lack in that area i kinda feel like all my weight when to my chest area and my butt got left flat and wide ahah!
  • i know its harder to think of something we like about our selfs rather then something we dont like!
  • oh boy i know how you feel about the belly thing but kudos for it getting smaller!
  • i think your skin makes your eyes pop! it looks awesome!
  • i know how it feels to have a troubled spot! not necessarily "man boobs" in my case but we all have something we dont like about our selfs. just keep working on it! :)
  • hello i am also 20! i dont have a child though but i know how hard it is being a young woman and feeling down about yourself. this is a great place to get support and tips. everyone on here can relate to another person on here somehow, which is really awesome. its important to know if you are on a diet you may slip here…
  • thanks guys! today i only had one pop which im really proud of because usually by this time i would of had 3 to 4. i also drank a whole water bottle while working out which i think helped me go longer actually instead of drinking a AMP energy drink or something of that nature. i was thinking about using green tea too. i…
  • when people chew loud or with their mouth open or when people drive slow or dont know how to drive lol
  • when i watch i used to be fat on mtv i feel inspired or biggest loser or any weight loss show i feel really inspired
  • see i would be eating 5 smaller meals but my problem is that im a snacker. i snack through out the day especially at work because they bring so many goodies in during the day. i been doing a mix of cardio and weigh training at the gym.i usually do the elliptical bike or treadmill and then some weight training on some of…
  • thank you so much . you are right no one.. even me is going to remember what i look like down there. i should just focus on having fun and not caring what i look like. i should keep trying to workout though because if i keep going towards a goal such as looking good for Florida i might carry those habits into after Florida…
  • ill getting over a cold so im hoping to start it tomorrow! ill have to let everyone know how it worked for me! im really excited to try it because i heard many good things about it. i would do it at a gym but my gym doesnt offer it so i figured this would be the next best thing!
  • thanks guys! i wasn't expecting so much outreach so fast! im really excited about this next step in my life i really hope i can do this! thanks for the support!