joone_9 Member


  • Yes! I totally understand that thinking. I’m unfortunately usually all in or all out too which is why getting back to it immediately after a binge is such a huge step forward for me. I hope hope hope I can keep doing that when I mess up cause ..well...I usually fall into bad habits the moment anything happens that’s out of…
  • @secretgirl29 - I actually love long posts and details. I’m usually more of a lurker so I read practically everything but trying to share more as it pushes me to be on here more and be more accountable to myself. I’m sending you a friend northerners need to stick together!:) and @bmeadows380 reading your…
  • Just made a seafood and vegetable cococurry papilotte. I absolutely love making it. Super easy, fast, packed full of veggies and it’s delicious. A bit higher on the cals as I used more coconut milk then usual but still only 500 cals for dinner which is good in my books.
  • Hang in there ladies! I did a full on binge 2 weeks ago but a couple of days in I reflected and recognized what I was doing and stopped, forgave myself and the very next day went back to meeting my low cal goals. This is HUGE for me as that usually throws me off for months and large weight gains as a result. So get back to…
  • This group is so supportive and helpful and if I like reading what people are sharing then I suppose I should get out of my comfort zone and share and post more too..ill certainly work on it. Sharing thoughts and goals certainly do help- I know this!. And @bmeadows380 did it turn out?! I’ve read and caught up what…
  • Wow..that’s awesome! It’s super hard to stick with it long term but you are kicking *kitten*! Just think where you’ll be in another 2 years..keep it up!
  • So after a couple months of doing fairly well thanks in part to following along this wonderful group (lost 30lbs in about 3 months)...I fell off the wagon for about a week or two after being diagnosed with breast cancer. (Somehow the gods weren’t completely cruel to me as I actually still lost 3 lbs during that time). I’m…
  • Other than doing the usual of keeping busy as possible, Try writing out your goal (or mini goal) and posting it several places that are in eye shot of where you typically snack..even on door where you keep snacks etc. Having it right there in your face may help keep it top of mind and dissuade you from eating. Also…
  • Weigh in day for me and lost another 2lbs this week! Been back at it since end of aug I think and I have lost almost 15lbs (+-2lbs/wk) and I know I should be happy..and I am I suppose as it’s a start even though I’m still not back to super healthy habits like I probably should be addressing faster but I find myself also…
  • I LOVE THIS when people explain a bit of detail 🙂. More please!
  • Thx everyone...your comments have helped. I didn’t binge and forced myself to go to sleep. I have read almost every post in this thread and it helps seeing people struggle but still make it through to progress. That’s how I keep getting into this mess I’m in (losing weight, binge...give up...gain weight..binge more.. all…
  • I need somewhere to vent as man oh man I’m struggling to not binge. Why am I soooooo hungry these last couple days?! I’ve been barely keeping to my cal goal but i can tell I’m starting to slip. It feels like all I can think of is food!
  • I slid on some jeans I haven’t worn in a while and they are actually comfortable now!(I absolutely was dead set against buying bigger clothes to fit me at my current size). Been at this again for three ish weeks and even with little exercise it’s making a difference! Stick with it everyone!
  • I have been reading this thread and I would just like to say a big thanks to all for’s hard to share our real struggles but it’s so important that we do so we can see we are not alone. slip ups can happen, step backwards happens but it’s nice to witness that if someone just keeps moving’s not all a…
  • Sent FR! I love when people share details on the ups and downs of weight loss. Hoping to be friends with more people who aren’t afraid to share:)
  • Thanks for sharing! I love the amount of detail..I wish everyone who had success would do a post like this!
  • I’m newly back at it too! FR sent:)
  • I’ll be another buddy if still looking! I also need the support to get back into it and stay with it for the long haul. Friend request sent!
  • Friend request sent!
  • I here ya! I can’t for the life of me understand how I let myself gain a further 50lbs since February when I had just lost that amount a mere 4 months prior. Now I’m back at the heaviest and most embarrassing weight I have ever been. Like what the hell was I thinking?! But I’m back at er since Monday as I can’t let this…
  • I only log the stuff I add to my tea or coffee as those have various amounts of calories that wou shouldn’t skip logging
  • Wow! Congrats and thanks for sharing your story. Takes time and dedication to reach that amount of success!
  • Wow! What a success! Share some of the details of your journey so’s always great to hear how people found what works for them. Congrats on the loss:)
  • Wow. Such a great job and big difference! Good luck on the rest of your journey. Can you give a bit of details as to what led to your success? How many cals you stuck to..if any exercise etc...
  • Wow. Awesome loss! You can see big changes between the two pics. You should feel proud:)
  • I’ve almost always banked cals to indulge a bit more on the weekend and always still lost weight. I use the daily goal to keep me on track through out each day though or I know I’d overeat. Do what works best for you and don’t eat under 1200 woman/1500 for men a day for general health reasons.
  • I find myself cleaning and cooking more and also reading and searching for recipes and ideas to eat healthy. You can come on MFP..I’m finding I’m doing lots of that lately. I also try to do more social things like walks with friends, meet for coffee and that sort of things. I also make more tea and drink slowly. Sometimes…
  • Me! I’m too just over 30 days in and hope for dear god that this time i make it stick so I can reach my goals again. I’m trying to be okay with losing 2lbs a week but it seems so dreadfully SLOW until I think..well I want to be active for life and time is gonna pass anyway so may as well be happy and stay active and…
  • Wow that’s a great loss! Keep going and keep checking in with us all!