

  • I have found Weight Watchers to be a helpful program to use. You eat real food and have freedom to choose. MFP is the closest thing to WW without buying a WW membership. :)
  • If you don't eat you won't lose weight in a healthy fashion. And what's the worst that could happen? You can die.......
  • I'm really bad at snacking at night! I've found that it is not because I am hungry but simply that I am tired. :( The more tired the more I want junk food. I try to go to bed before that happens but sometimes the snack monster prevails and I am a half box of wheat thins and cream cheese in before I realize what I've done.…
  • They signed me up for a great special of 24 sessions and you get 24 free for $324. What they did not tell me was that I was being signed up for a 12 month contract. It is my own fault for not reading the contract but $3500 later I was stuck. I ended up having to let my membership go because I am a single parent and can not…
  • I switched from eating two meals a day to eating 6. I eat about 200-250 cals per meal and it seems to be really working. Sometimes I go over but it works out in the end. :)
  • How much water are you drinking? Weight gain or lack of weight loss could come from you retaining water, which is common during this time. I have noticed if I am retaining water and I consume MORE than normal it helps ..... Good luck!
  • I am the same way. I love gummy bears and could eat them for a meal. I started last week on MFP again and have tried to slowly incorporate healthy clean (non processed) foods. Its definitely hard but I can see the change in the way I feel. I have also started eating every 2.5hrs instead of 2 or 3 times a day like I used…
  • You are only just beginning! Use the tools provided and being honest with YOURSELF with what you are eating is the only way to get the scale to tilt to where you want. Make sure you're drinking a lot of water!! Excercise is great but the majority of the weightloss battle comes from what food you are putting in it! Good…
  • Good luck! I am in my second week and still trying to curb my old/bad habits. So far eating 5-6 times a day has helped! I also changed to the set up of my food diary to reflect. Instead of Break, Lunch, Dinner I have Breakfast, 1st snack, Lunch, 2nd snack, Dinner and sometimes 3rd snack. It seems to be working for me!!!!
  • I like Bare and Simple instant oatmeal (plain) with 20g cherry craisins. I make it and eat it on my way to work. Good Luck!
  • I changed my settings on MFP to Be as follows: Breakfast: 1st snack: Lunch: 2nd snack: Dinner: 3rd snack: It helps to break your meals down smaller and then you are eating more frequently. I actually feel like I am eating all day :) Also I agree with others that even though your are hitting your calories your're not…