Always hungry!



  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    Looking over your diary, you're just eating the wrong stuff. I know it's hard not to eat fast food and frozen foods but they really don't fill you for the calories they are giving you and are heavy on non-filling cards. You can still eat the carbs but make sure it's healthy carbs. For instance, you can have spaghetti. Just make sure the pasta is wheat so it offers a more filling substitute for you. Protein is very important.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    and drink LOTS of water. I mean LOTS. Sometimes it's only normal we get signaled as "hungry" but it's thirst.

    And it takes time for us to adjust our eating habit. Curbing the hunger is part of it.
  • trilikeagirl
    Also, meal planning is huge. I am a journalist with a crazy, on-the-go schedule and I find I'm totally screwed if I don't make a plan and stick to it. In fact, I often fill out my journal for the entire day in the morning. Helps you stay on track.

    Amen to that!

    You are welcome to see my diary. I eat a breakfast on the go every morning that keeps me full until noon. It takes me five minutes to make assuming I have planned to have the ingredients. (It's a smoothie, I think it doesn't say that on my diary, so all breakfast ingredients go in the blender.) Watching sodium content on everything I eat helped guide me away from the process foods and identify healthier options.
  • mindyahart
    I changed my settings on MFP to Be as follows:

    1st snack:
    2nd snack:
    3rd snack:

    It helps to break your meals down smaller and then you are eating more frequently. I actually feel like I am eating all day :) Also I agree with others that even though your are hitting your calories your're not putting the right gas in your car ..... :)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    There really is no need to get full. All you need to do is fuel the body and keep it from feeling starving. You want to consume only healthy calories, little carbs (carbs are what causes cravings and makes blood sugar spike and drop, which is what makes us hungry again).

    This was pivotal for me----I always thought I had to walk away from table full. But now I learned if I eat every 2-3 hours and keep myself from getting HUNGRY, then I am a happy camper all day long. Remember to look at food as fuel and not for pleasure.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    eat a serving size of almonds

    greek yoghurt

    a couple slices of deli ham wrapped around a couple slices of mozzerella cheese
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I haven't read every response, but a quick search seems to indicate that no one has recommended upping your FAT intake (from natural sources)!

    So, here's my recommendation: eat fat! Cook in coconut oil, add butter to vegetables, use olive oil on salads, be sure you're eating the whole egg (the yolk is where the vitamins are!)

    As others have said, I think reducing your refined carbohydrates and upping your protein will also help with hunger, but don't forget the FAT!

    That's what has helped keep me from feeling ravenous all the time. :happy: