

  • The pounds may not show but you have lost inches in your waist, hips and thighs. That is very evident from the picture. Keep up the great work!!!
  • I was told to ride your bike at a pace that you are able to talk but you heart and breathing are increased. To maximize your bike workout try interval pacing. (fast, then slow, then moderate). Do what you can do and then build up as you get into shape. Also try maybe walking or other forms of cardio to create muscle…
  • I love Dress 1. You look great in it.
  • You are welcome to be my friend. I recently got back into working out almost daily so we can work to keep each other motivated. I do have to warn you that my work life gets hectic at times so I don't post everyday.
  • Maybe you are losing inches. I was frustrated at first because I wasn't losing as quickly as I wanted to but I put on some clothes that use to fit snug and they had room in them. As a matter of fact today, I have on some jeans that I haven't been able to wear in a year. Don't give up, keep at it. It will pay off in the end.
  • Hi New Orleans, I'm in Baton Rouge. I haven't been on MFP very long but I have had success in my short time here. Congrats on your weight loss. This site keeps you mindful of what you eat and it has actually made me want to exercise just to see the number of calories burned. Welcome:wink:
  • 40 lbs in 2 months sounds great but what happens when you go back to eating regularly? ( Not junk food but regular, healthy choices) I know that when you are overweight, your try everything, I can name a list of things and they work for a moment but the results don't last and I am back to being overweight again. I am…
  • Your exercising could possibly be turning fat into muscle. I was like that for a couple of weeks so I increased my cardio. Are your clothes fitting differently? Are they looser now? Don't get discouraged. I was advised not to look at the scale (easier said than done but it makes sense) If you are eating right and…
  • I have two friends who have taken it. One takes a whole pill every other day and the other takes a half of pill. They both have had good success. They eat about 1200 calories a day and work out. One friend lost 85-100 pounds on it and now she uses it as a maintenance program. They other recently started and she has lost 35…
  • OMG!! That is great. What are you doing? I put on my fat jeans and they are loose but I still cannot get into my other jeans. I have been wearing the same clothes because I refuse to buy larger sizes. Please tell me what you are doing.
  • How did you lose 17lbs. That is just amazing. I have been going up and down. I lose and then gain, lose and then gain. I just starting tracking my exercise and food intake using this program so I am excited. Please send me your tips. Keep up the good work. You just motivated me to get up and go to the gym on lunch and get…