

  • I hope all works out, but if he has to go to sleep you can rest assured he had a lovely life in what is the best hamster home i have ever seen.
  • A burpee is hell....but very good. do a press up, bring your knees up and then jump up, land with bent knees to aborb pressure, go down into the press up position again and start all over again. Does this make sense?
  • i like to: walk for 5 mins to warm up, then do about 10 mins fairly fast pace, then 10 mins at a lower pace but where i have a minute on incline/minute off incline, then a cool down for another 5 mins to a walking pace. obviously this is open to variety. some days i just can't get going and other days i'm buzzing. I've…
  • Ooh of course!!!
  • I've always been a night time wee-er. Try not opening your eyes, daft as it sounds. I toddle to the loo with my eyes shut on auto pilot so I barely wake.
  • I went through a phase of having bran and bran flakes for breakfast with dried and fresh fruit to get loads of fibre in my diet, and after a while I ended up with stomach pains culminating in having to up and leave a fitness class half way through one night. I have gone back to porridge and dried/fresh fruit for brekkie…
  • Daisy374 has the right idea, the key to keeping yourself interested is to vary everything, boredom is dangerous!