Elliptical trainers

What would be better for me to do? The fat burn programme or the cardio programme. I am trying to lose weight and tone up at the same time...though preferably without killing myself in the process. Should I start with the fat burn and work my way up to cardio when I feel it is no longer doing anything for me? Or just go straight to cardio.

My starting weight was 209.4lb. As of today I am 198.4lb. I have lost 11lb in two weeks, just from exercise and watching what I am eating. I'm worried this is too much too fast, and I am just going to end up with excess skin.

So yeah, suggestions? My goal weight is 130


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Have you ever used an elliptical? If not, trust me, don't go more than like 20 minutes. I had been warned and didn't listen. Pushed myself and then couldn't walk, sleep or anything for almost 2 days, due to severe pain in my legs.

    If you've done the elliptical before, I've found that HIIT works for me, even though I hate doing it.
  • bdavenport62
    I'd probably go for the fat burn. You are still getting cardio, per say but you will get some different variables in there. I use my HRM and when I do the "fat burn" option (at least on the stair master" it seems to keep my heart rate in the ideal zone. But then again I also run to push my heart out of the zone to condition and strengthen it. Maybe you can try both options (not on the same day) and see which one gives you the most effective work out.
  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    i looove interval or strength training. The elliptical at home doesnt have any programs but managed to set it as burning as many calories as a stationary bike lol!
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    I use an arc trainer at my gym, which is like a cross between an elliptical trainer and a stair climber. I usually alternate programs each day. Like one day I will do the hill program, then the next day I will do the strength, then the cardio and fat burning, etc... In my mind that makes me feel like I am targeting all my muscels in my lower body.. Plus I don't get bored doing the same program. I don't know if it is working better than if I just did 1 or 2 programs, but it is still calories being burned lol Hope this helps you some!
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    I switch all the time. I do the elliptical but will do a variation of programs every time. One day I may do fat burn the next day intervals or glute burn. I like a little variation and feel it will keep my body guessing so it doesn't decide to stall on the loosing weight. I vary my calories everyday (in and out) and my work out for sure every other day.
  • thirks
    Daisy374 has the right idea, the key to keeping yourself interested is to vary everything, boredom is dangerous!
  • spaceangel66
    Have you ever used an elliptical? If not, trust me, don't go more than like 20 minutes. I had been warned and didn't listen. Pushed myself and then couldn't walk, sleep or anything for almost 2 days, due to severe pain in my legs.

    If you've done the elliptical before, I've found that HIIT works for me, even though I hate doing it.

    I'm used to it now, but when I first joined my gym, I don't think I went 20 minutes my first time on the elliptical because I knew I'd be sorry if I did.