Andybeth Member


  • Do a search on the internet for "potassium food list". A very good printable chart exists. Good for those who need to add or limit potassium..
  • I agree, I've pretty much given up getting my calorie counts from here. It's so hard to ferret out which entry has the calories listed on my packages that I use quick add calories and use it to add the totals by meal.
  • I am Type II diabetic also. My A1c has been below 6 for the last year and a half, with diet and exercise. My doctor sent me to a diabetic nutrionist. She gave e a diet of about 1500 cal a day and I try to keep to the percentages from that. It 45% Carbs (169 gm), 20% protein (75gm) and 35% total fat (58gm) so that's how I…
  • I have the same problem with mine. I even got new a new strap from Polar when I sent mine in and they said the contacts were bad. But this was the third strap I'd tried in less than one year. Replaced batteries twice and nothing helped. Polar did change the batteries for free and sent the new strap but it still doesn't…
  • This should be checked by your doctor. I ignored heel pain and it turned out to be a torn achilles tendon. The pain comes and goes until it ruptures. Then the treatment gets really inconvenient.
  • I was told by my Doc that the DexaScan which is easily available for bone density does not give a body fat reading. You have to have a special one for that and no one in my area is offering that. So make sure you get the right scan. It's quick and easy for bone density.
  • Thanks for the suggestions. I just bought the cream and will give it one more try. I've tried every permutation of tightening the strap, wetting the strap, washing the strap so maybe the cream will be the magic potion.
  • My FT40 has been going back and forth to Polar all summer. First it was the battery (or both batteries) then the strap was faulty and a replacement strap had a week connection. I was able to use my FT40 for less than a year with one replacement battery in that time and now Polar says all the pieces are good but it still…
  • I use the FT7 with the hard t31-coded strap and it works really well. I also have the soft strap version that has caused me nothing but problems. So there seems to be a problem with fit on some people with the soft strap. It is very frustrating when they don't work. You can contact Polar online and might get a reasonable…
  • Try water exercise, aerobics if available but just walking in water will really ease your knees and does amazing things for core strength.
  • I found podcasts on internet that talk you thru the timing including the warmup and cool down. There are 9 weeks worth and makes it possible to follow.
  • On my heart rate monitor the fitness zone is reached when my heart rate gets beyond a certain level. Below that it is fat burn. So the harder you work the longer you are in fitness level.
  • I think the site must be very generous. I use a Polar HRM and the calories are always much lower that what the site offers. I use the HRM value.
  • One thing to keep in mind. It takes 3500 calories less than your body needs to lose a pound. Thus it takes 3500 calories more than your body needs to gain a pound. It's hard to eat enough in one or two days to do too much damage. You may see water weight gain but get back on track and you'll be fine. Plus I've found a…