Lizzie08 Member


  • Feel free to add me.. I am also working hard on loosing about 70LBS ... I've lost 42 from my initial weight which was 229 I am down to 187 ... Need motivation from friends on MFP :smiley:
  • That's fantastic! Great job! Feel free to add me :smiley:
  • Hey kim feel free to add me looking for some motiviation too! Good Luck!
  • You correct the surgery is a valuable tool... I know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to isolating yourself because of the way you look. I am to tired of hiding of waiting to live my life. I really hope that you can over come this and hope you have the support you need. Good luck on your journey ...
  • hey there glad to find someone in the same boat as me.... I am 4 weeks post-op ... :smiley:
  • Salt Lake City, Utah
  • What a coincidence! I typically DVR The Dr. Oz show runs on Fox TV at 3pm (MTS) the topic for today is the HCG diet and if it really works...They show the rerun tomorrow at 10am this may help you :)
  • Welcome and congrats on your 50lbs... The support here is great and the message boards are are full of great info and motivation...
  • How to Estimate Calories Burned by Heart Rate Overview Using your average heart rate during an exercise session, you can estimate the calories that you expend during exercise. This is possible because your heart rate is related to your calorie expenditure rate. This calculation will be most accurate when your heart rate is…
  • I ran into this website and you can enter your weight and time and it will calculate the calories you burn... Hopefully this helps :)
  • Welcome, I am also new here and looking for support... Anyone else reading feel free to add me :)
  • Same here need some friends on MFP to gain more motivation and accountability :P..... Anyone reading this please add me ;)
  • I run into the same problem so I stick to what the machine tells me... I just started working out 5 days ago so currently I use the elliptical 25 minutes resistance level 15 and incline of 1 with a heart rate of about 130 - 150 and I can burn up to 200... The gym I go to has been open close to 3 years so the machines are…
  • Hello, I am new here ... Love this site and the best part FREE! Don't have any friends on this site so hopefully I can somehow follow some peeps to get inspired by their success! Peace and good luck everyone :P