hcg diet



  • Lizzie08
    Lizzie08 Posts: 15 Member
    What a coincidence! I typically DVR The Dr. Oz show runs on Fox TV at 3pm (MTS) the topic for today is the HCG diet and if it really works...They show the rerun tomorrow at 10am this may help you :)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. I so badly want to do this as a life-style change this time around without pills or gimmicks that will just let me down later. I do have a LOT of weight to lose and a hormonal imbalance that I take Progesterone for, but still. I have done Phentermine in the past and was not successful with it because of intense migraines and inability to sleep. I have decided to wait and get a second opinion on this. I will visit a nutrionist that I used to see and get her opinon. I just honestly do not think only consuming 500 calories a day is safe or healthy. Thanks again for your responses!
  • I think you are right to get a second opinion. I wish I could lose 26 lbs in 5 weeks!! That's great!! You are doing wonderful. I don't think you need a pill or gimmick!
  • Second opinion is right!! You have to remember, most doctors are just general practice doctors. They are NOT nutritionists. I don't trust a doctor that recommends you get on a "diet" that is that restrictive because it's short term. Sure, you may lose the weight rather quickly in those 40 days, but what about when you're not on it.

    I watched my mom do it. She struggled big time. She was forced to give up a lot of foods. She did lose the weight, but it didn't teach her how to keep the weight off once she got off the drops, and yep, she gained a lot of the weight back. And the diet also doesn't want you to exercise. Well, that's fine, but part of a regular healthy lifestyle is to exercise.
  • deanie0515
    deanie0515 Posts: 85 Member
    I am on the drops now. I am 4 days in and have lost 6lbs. 500 calories sucks!!! I am going to stick with it because I promised my brother who is also doing it. He is on day 19 and has lost 34lbs. I too am concerned about re-gaining because seriously I want some cheese enchiladas right now, lots and lots of enchiladas!! lol I also have a good friend who did the injections route...she has had great results and seems to have maintained for about a year and a half.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    It sounds like your doctor is a quack! Youve lost an average of 5lbs a week! thats awesome!!! Just keep doing what your doing and look for a new PCP!! (I am also on progesterone, and that can slow the weight loss IMO). GOod luck
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    You definitely need a new doctor! No doctor should be unhappy with an average of 5lbs a week, and they definitely should not be telling you to do the hcg diet! It's rediculous! Be happy with what you're doing, and definitely get a new doctor! You're doing great!!!!!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    You definitely need a new doctor! No doctor should be unhappy with an average of 5lbs a week, and they definitely should not be telling you to do the hcg diet! It's rediculous! Be happy with what you're doing, and definitely get a new doctor! You're doing great!!!!!

  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member


    You lose because of the 500 calorie diet, not the hormone. Save your money....those drops and all are expensive!


    You lose because of the 500 calorie diet, not the hormone. Save your money....those drops and all are expensive!

    I've always wondered if the drops were merely a placebo...
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I watched Dr Oz last night and he is completely against the hcg diet because of the low calorie consumption. I talked to a dietician about it today and she said that if it is used not to do more than one cycle of it and take at least a 60 day break before doing it again. I think any "diet" program that you need to take a break from is not safe. I see my doctor again on the 22 of next month and will show him that I can lose almost the same amount on my own without putting my body at risk and without paying out the money for a product I am afraid to take.

    Thanks everyone for your input and responses!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I watched Dr Oz last night and he is completely against the hcg diet because of the low calorie consumption. I talked to a dietician about it today and she said that if it is used not to do more than one cycle of it and take at least a 60 day break before doing it again. I think any "diet" program that you need to take a break from is not safe. I see my doctor again on the 22 of next month and will show him that I can lose almost the same amount on my own without putting my body at risk and without paying out the money for a product I am afraid to take.

    Thanks everyone for your input and responses!

    You go girl! You show that doctor you don't need some fad diet! Isn't it healthier to do it the old fashioned way anyways? I think so! You're doing GREAT!!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I wouldn't listen to him. He doesnt sound like a good doctor to be honest as doctors should recommend the healthiest way to lose weight. You are doing phenomenally well already. There is no easy way to lose weight. You have to do it the hard way through exercise and eating healthily. The sooner the female population of this world figure this out, the better!