

  • Just FYI to this group... I am not sure but I think there might be a 20 page limit to a thread.... either that or that is the conscious choice of the pregnancy group on MFP... they always have a new thread after 20 pages... so if there is a limit just a note we might have to create a new one.
  • OK, Matt and I really don't argue often... I like to say we have the the 3 Ds... disagreements, disappoints (in each other) and discussions... but on Wednesday as we were retelling a story we remembered it quite differently. Matt was telling a story about his college life and I was interjecting. This was about a Spanish 2…
  • OK, here is a question I am sure Matt will *LOVE* me for posting! Tends to apply to those married longer or have been together longer... Based on what happened to us on Wednesday, can you recall a time you and your spouse remember the same event way differently and it ensued an "argument" in front of others?
  • LOL on the green salad! most likely the healthiest green choice I have heard. And I have misspelled simple words often, you are not alone :)
  • ugh! just typed a long reply and lost it! but I caught up on everyone :) keep the board moving while Matt is out of town.... great to hear some of you have done the "walk to Emmaus" :) hard not to even call him to say good night ... mine is in two weeks!
  • We don't find out either but you are ultra organized with the clothing. I do go to the Salvation Army and find tons of NB stuff with tags on. We just re-donate what we don't use instead of keeping it. :)
  • Mine, like Matt's, has been sodium. When I was pregnant with Amelia 15years ago I had tons of water retention and swelling. Information was not available like today and I had no clue how bad fast food was. I never ate a lot of food but I see now that my choices were horrible.
  • so here is another suggestion :) I don't know if it works in Spain, but I know my youngest daughter has a latin name... It is Sabina and we love it. The meaning you usually find is derived from the Sabine tribe (area of Germany during Roman Empire) but I have a German friend who has told me the tribal name meant "deeply…
  • How fun to find a pregnancy board on the fitness group!! My husband joined MFP and wanted me to join too. I actually have not been trying to eat healthy at all, though my reflux is killing me so I might have too!! My name is Marceen and I am currently 23 weeks (24 tomorrow) with number 4. My oldest is Amelia - age 14, then…
  • The man's side of the story, short and sweet! I think I need to tell Matt to reply to this answer BEFORE reading my version! LOL
  • Love your story Lorina!! Matt and I also met on-line but not in the dating sort of way. I worked for a head hunter agency and in my down time I would browse the internet. I was not a recruiter, just an admin who did it all.... from payroll to insurance packages. One day I was going through personal web pages that were…
  • So I just thought I would pop on here once in awhile so that Matt doesn't feel all alone. It is strange me gaining weight while he is losing weight. Tracking all the junk food I am eating this pregnancy is really not fun to watch all those not so nutritious calories so I only humored Matt a few times. :) But overall not…
  • OK, I thought I would make a token appearance on here :) Of course I love the mountains - I love hiking (day trips) and love the views, and any trails that lead to waterfalls! I did enjoy the beach on our honeymoon though... at the time the resort owned 6 miles of beach and it was very secluded. Now (we have been told) a…
  • Hello, I am Marceen, Matt's (the thread creator) wife. I am pregnant so not trying to lose weight, but thought it would be interesting to log my food and see all the junk I am putting in my body. :) As Matt mentioned, we have 3 children plus the one on the way. I am a few years older than he is though, currently 37. That…