New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I made sure that my children wore green to school and I have some awesome green fingernails right now. Otherwise, it's running around like crazy, typical Thursday. Maybe I'll make something green for dinner?
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14
    ugh! just typed a long reply and lost it! but I caught up on everyone :) keep the board moving while Matt is out of town.... great to hear some of you have done the "walk to Emmaus" :) hard not to even call him to say good night ... mine is in two weeks!
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    Wow! Haven't posted here in quite some time. Sorry 'bout that guys! I'm still here. Man, I wish MFP would use notifications. But hey, can't really do much, complaining when the site is free now can we? Anyway, just wanted to check in really quick-like!! :wink:
    I promise I will check in more often! Good night!
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    I would love to join in. I'm 36 and have been married to my husband almost 5 years. I'm a stay at home mom to 2 girls. One will be 2 in April and the other will be 4 in June. I also have a 15 year old stepson that is with us every weekend and school vacations. I have about 70 pounds to lose and need all the support I can get. I look forward to meeting everyone.
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    Probably just another day for me too!! Work, Home, kids, dinner, workout...shower and bed!!!!

    You pretty much summed it up for me :happy:
  • mavila1978
    For St. Patrick's Day, I ate a green salad! LOL ... I'm not Irish or Catholic, and I don't like beer, so the day has not ever been too important to me.

    Edit: It's too early, how do you misspell "me"?
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14
    For St. Patrick's Day, I ate a green salad! LOL ... I'm not Irish or Catholic, and I don't like beer, so the day has not ever been too important to me.

    Edit: It's too early, how do you misspell "me"?

    LOL on the green salad! most likely the healthiest green choice I have heard.

    And I have misspelled simple words often, you are not alone :)
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14
    OK, here is a question I am sure Matt will *LOVE* me for posting! Tends to apply to those married longer or have been together longer...

    Based on what happened to us on Wednesday, can you recall a time you and your spouse remember the same event way differently and it ensued an "argument" in front of others?
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14
    Based on what happened to us on Wednesday, can you recall a time you and your spouse remember the same event way differently and it ensued an "argument" in front of others?

    OK, Matt and I really don't argue often... I like to say we have the the 3 Ds... disagreements, disappoints (in each other) and discussions... but on Wednesday as we were retelling a story we remembered it quite differently.

    Matt was telling a story about his college life and I was interjecting. This was about a Spanish 2 teacher (in college) that apparently got the position with her short skirts and curvy body. It was so bad that the students were making up words (to see what she knew) and she was giving them credit. Half the class didn't care and just wanted the A, but half the class, including Matt, needed to go on to Spanish 3.

    I interjected the story to say I encouraged him to address it with the powers that be and he was like (in front of Cathan's Spanish and Art teachers) "you didn't even know me then. You just heard the story so much you think you were a part of it!" We went on to bicker back and forth about the time frame and how long I was actually apart of his undergrad work. The teachers thought we were hilarious and "too funny."

    For the record, if Matt were to look up that class it was taken in the summer of 2000 and we were definitely together then. :)

    It was more humorous than anything. I think it is funny that he swears he didn't know me when this happened. Guess he wants to remember his college life as a single life!

    And for the record, I have been guilty of remembering things wrong myself for sure!! Maybe Matt will remember one when he gets home. So odd how we take one event that happened and our minds remember them differently.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Probably just another day for me too!! Work, Home, kids, dinner, workout...shower and bed!!!!

    You pretty much summed it up for me :happy:

    And that is just what I did!!!!! It was that bad of a day!!!
  • mvedas
    mvedas Posts: 69
  • mvedas
    mvedas Posts: 69
    I think we all powered through it!!! AS of this morning....we are all doing much better!!! Lucky we had two bathrooms or we would of never made it!!! The hardest part is not being able to do anything about it!!! Watching the 5 year old....was so hard!!! She just did not understand!!!

    My hubby......on the other hand.....had what we call the "man cold"....because his was SOOO much worse then what we had!!! LOL!!! He will even tell you that his was way worse then ours was!!!! If I didn't love him so much....I might have put him outside with the dogs!!! LOL!!!

    Angie, this cracks me up! My husband gets the 'man cold' too! When I am sick, everything runs as normal at home (usually with me doing all the running!), but when he gets sick, it's like the entire universe has stopped and he needs constant attention! It's funny because my 8 year old son is picking up the habit!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I think we all powered through it!!! AS of this morning....we are all doing much better!!! Lucky we had two bathrooms or we would of never made it!!! The hardest part is not being able to do anything about it!!! Watching the 5 year old....was so hard!!! She just did not understand!!!

    My hubby......on the other hand.....had what we call the "man cold"....because his was SOOO much worse then what we had!!! LOL!!! He will even tell you that his was way worse then ours was!!!! If I didn't love him so much....I might have put him outside with the dogs!!! LOL!!!

    Angie, this cracks me up! My husband gets the 'man cold' too! When I am sick, everything runs as normal at home (usually with me doing all the running!), but when he gets sick, it's like the entire universe has stopped and he needs constant attention! It's funny because my 8 year old son is picking up the habit!

    Right!!! I was sick...but I still keep going....His whole world shut down!!!! Good thing we don't get sick often......One of us would not survive!!!!
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    OK, here is a question I am sure Matt will *LOVE* me for posting! Tends to apply to those married longer or have been together longer...

    Based on what happened to us on Wednesday, can you recall a time you and your spouse remember the same event way differently and it ensued an "argument" in front of others?

    At first, my husband denied this While I was in labor with our son (our first born), my husband decided to eat an apple. He was eating his apple loudly. Mind you, I was in labor...and I had zero tolerance for any/all kinds of distracting noises. So I asked him politely to stop eating his apple. He put his apple away...but then decided to start chewing (and popping) gum. :noway: I think my hubby was nervous and a bit anxious to meet our son. Since he denied this happened, I had to resort to ask my mom and mother in law (they were in the hospital room with us) to confirm my story. They did. :laugh:
  • kh0215
    kh0215 Posts: 56 Member
    I seem to have the memory of an elephant LOL- my hubby, not so much.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    We (mostly jokingly) argue that I always disagree with him.

    Now *that's* an argument that you just can NOT win! :laugh:
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Just checking in with everyone!! I had a boring weekend.....but No one was sick!!! Which is great!!!

    Another week of not giving up or giving in!! It's been about 2 weeks since I have lost any weight...and it's hard with the scale not moving....

    I dont' think the 30 Day shred is doing it for me.......

    well...Hope everyone is doing great!!!!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I have been the last person to the last 7 hours......where is everyone??? I only follow two groups...and I have been the last to post on both!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    20 pages! I can't read all that!

    I am 33 and have been married for nearly 12 years. Yes....we did it young! I'd love to join any group going and am new here so friend me up!
  • oheatheroh
    oheatheroh Posts: 15 Member
    Married with 5 kids. Just joined today. Feel free to add me.