New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • OneLostSock
    Weekend plans have been canceled. My daughter Lucy turns 4 on Sunday and we were going to have friends over to celebrate. But, due to this lovely virus that is spreading through my children we will be canceling. I am hoping to get into the gym at least once this weekend because I'm not going there with sick children.

    Birthday-Sept. 8 will be turning 40!


    Hope you are all well soon!! xx
  • aimlow
    aimlow Posts: 39 Member
    ~* ~* ~* FRIDAY Question! *~ *~ *~
    Q) Any fun or big plans for the weekend??

    We are took the kids to the pool on friday afternoon, then dinner at a friends and my dughter had a sleepover.
    On saturday morning I did my first boxing class which was excellent, We have just had friends over for dinner and tomorrow my parents are coming to visit from Sydney. We are planning on taking them for a picnic.
    should be a great weekend.
    Hope everyone else has a good weekend and Holly's kids get better.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    grinseeker & aimlow-Thanks for the well wishes! An entire week of one sick child is bad enough, let alone another getting it. Really throws things off track darn it! If we're really lucky this will be the only sick spell this winter.

    On the upside I was at least able to go get groceries last night since Lucy wasn't needing me and could stay home with Bridget. Thank goodness! We were out of about everything let alone anything healthy. I also found Lucy's birthday gift a used Barbie Jeep that we will be looking at today, it's less then half the retail price and has 2 seats which is perfect for the little girls. I also need to pick up her birthday cake this afternoon. She's actually eating again so at least she can enjoy some of it.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • sbracken
    Hi!!!!! Let's see....weekend plans.

    Looks like we're gonna spend some time walking around and hanging out with some friends at the tattoo convention downtown this afternoon and then hit up one of the restaurants for dinner and probably a casino as well.

    Then this morning and all day tomorrow I have LOTS of cardmaking to do! I have to finish up my last set of images for my design team, make 4 cards for the WIS release, and make cards for the VSN event at SCS. That's low on the priority list, but one of my design team members is co-coordinator for the event, so I want to at least make a few cards (especially for her challenge) to support her. And it's a good way to get my images out there for more people to see.

    And I want to spend some more quality time with my new NookColor!!!! I'm loving it so far! It's amazing to be able to get magazines on it, so I don't end up with stacks of them laying around my house.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    No real weekend plans, other than maybe having a few hours of overlapping time when my husband and I are home and awake at the same time.

    Night shift sucks. :mad:
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    LorinaLyn, i feel your pain. I have been on the night shift this week and don't think i've seen my husband for more than 10 min at a time...My schedule is random and it's so tough to carve out time at home together.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Weekend is almost over, but been productive! Parents were in town from NC so had houseguests all weekend. Ran a 5k Saturday, friends over after, live music that night. Today we have been looking at houses since we are receiving an offer now! Supposed to be out in 30-45 days if all goes well. Today is the 11th day the house has been on the market. Pretty frickin' awesome. Hopefully everything will work out! Next is dinner at the in-laws. Hope you all had a great weekend!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    @Cortez - Sounds like an awesome Sunday routine to me! =) ... With even more snow this weekend, sun sounds good to me!
    @Shannon (Shamrock) - Moving around the kids rooms is enough for me! I think I have moving in my future (but not for 4-6 years) and I'm already not looking forward to the moving process! lol
    @Stefani - Any progress on the bathroom??
    @Meggie - Karaoke eh?! Yeah, my wife dragged me to those when we first met ... I think she may have forgot that they still do that, shhh ... don't tell her :)
    @Lizard - how did the gigs go??
    @Holly - I hope the germs have begun to evacuate your home?? I hate those vicious cycles ... at times they seem to keep going and going! ugh!
    @Grinseeker - First of all what is Surf Life Saving Training?? And secondly, what movie did you watch?? Netflix and I are friends :)
    @Aimlow - how did the picnic go?? Unless you're a snowman you didn't have one here, I know that :)
    @Shannon - WIS, VSN, SCS ... yes, you can tell you work at Ford! lol ... I did understand Nook ;) ... I actually am going cheap but I want an ereader so I plan on getting a Kindle in a few weeks ... must be awesome to be more book-free!
    @Lorina & Elf - That does stink :( ... I can't imagine being on or having my spouse work a night shift ... Obviously you do what you need to do, just saying although I can't relate it must be incredibly difficult at times. Any change in the future coming up on that or is it going to be for a while longer yet?
    @better_balance - Awesome on the 5K! :) ... this was the first month that I didn't have a race in several months and I missed it cuz of a back injury ... can't wait for spring to come! :) But more importantly, awesome news on the offer!!!! I hope it goes through for you! :)

    ... As for me, furniture moved out of the "play room", carpet torn, and walls prepped for priming tomorrow night ... painting and carpet purchases this week and hopefully finish it up on the weekend! We'll see! =)
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Lucy is back to her normal self mostly, with the addition of a cough and runny/stuffy nose. At least the fever is gone and she is eating and has energy again. She had a good birthday yesterday. We went to church then came home and made chocolate chip pancakes that looked like Mickey Mouse and opened presents. After that we went to the Children's Museum for a couple of hours. Came home and had cake took a good portion over the neighbors! Then watched a movie together and got the little ones ready for bed.

    My son is feeling better though he still has a low grade fever. If you have a fever you stay home, so no church for him or children's museum and he's home from school today as well. We'll all get healthy at some point.

    @Matt-How fun! Getting the room ready for the baby. I love moving furniture and painting walls, instant gratification!

    @Better-Balance-I hope everything goes through for your house, a quick sale is nice.

    @elf618-Makes it hard when you don't see your spouse, cherish the brief time you do have.

    I am hoping to get back to the exercise routine this week, barring anyone else getting sick. I have 4 more pounds to the next mini goal pushing to get there!

  • tyoung75
    tyoung75 Posts: 51 Member
    I just noticed this thread. I'm newer around here. 35, married, 14 year old son, 6 year old step daughter. Accountant by day... DJ by night on the weekends. :) If I missed, I apologize for asking, but is this thread where the group generally interacts or is there another location I may have missed while reading through the thread?
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    So we had a productive weekend. Spent Saturday afternoon at Lowe's. Got a good workout loading and unloading a pickup truck full of plywood, 2 x4's, sheetrock, and cement backer board. So now we have all we need to get started! Sunday got another good workout cutting husband cut and my son and I loaded a 16 ft trailer. Makes me feel good that I can outdo my 14 y/o son!! Was gonna skip Kenpo this weekend because I was wore out from all the lifting...but last night decided I really wanted to get that workout in....I love Kenpo!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!! HAPPY MONDAY!! :)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    I just noticed this thread. I'm newer around here. 35, married, 14 year old son, 6 year old step daughter. Accountant by day... DJ by night on the weekends. :) If I missed, I apologize for asking, but is this thread where the group generally interacts or is there another location I may have missed while reading through the thread?

    Yep, we meet here! Welcome :)
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Catching up on a couple from last week.

    Workout and still have time for family: I run at the gym or around the neighborhood when the kids are in school/preschool. I also play soccer at night a couple times a week. My husband and I both play so quality time for us and grandma watches the kiddos.

    B-day: July 11.

  • sbracken
    sbracken Posts: 79
    @matt....I know, right!!!!! And those acronmyns are part of my crafting life!!! It's like I just can't get away from them. Loving the NookColor!!!! Especially since I can get all the magazines on it. Much better than piles and piles of them lying around the house.

  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    ~* ~* ~* QUESTION OF THE DAY! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Would an ideal vacation to you be more along the lines of Nightlife in The Big City, Combing The Beach, or a Cabin in the Mountains?

    A) Give me a cabin, a fireplace, and seclusion and you just described my perfect getaway! :)

    BTW, I've been busy (and sick) ... but I think my sick was cuz of the busy! ;| ... I woke up thinking I had the flu with my dizziness, headache, and feeling like I was going to hurl ... come to realize I think I was detoxing from my unintentional high from paining the room last night!!! Umm ... I shall open the windows next time ... that did my body no good!!!
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    ~* ~* ~* QUESTION OF THE DAY! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Would an ideal vacation to you be more along the lines of Nightlife in The Big City, Combing The Beach, or a Cabin in the Mountains?

    A) It all depends...All three sound like it has something great to offer. But at the moment, I think I would also prefer the Cabin in the Mountains. And with the mountains having snow, my kids would love the opportunity to play with it.

    @ Matt...I made the same mistake a few months ago when my hubby and I painted our room. It was the worse headache I've ever had. Feel better soon...
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    I personally love the cabin in the to hike, ski, bike, swim depending on the weather. I do love the beaches too, though. I seem to be so busy on regular days that I actually am a lot more active on vacation, so I love to have some great different opportunities to get my heart rate up.
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    Hi all! This thread is right up my alley! I'm 36 and have been married for 10 years to the love of my life!
  • mavila1978
    Can I join too? I'm 32 and happily married with a 2 year old daughter. I just signed up yesterday and would like to meet some new people!
  • AlissaPT
    AlissaPT Posts: 65 Member
    ~* ~* ~* QUESTION OF THE DAY! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Would an ideal vacation to you be more along the lines of Nightlife in The Big City, Combing The Beach, or a Cabin in the Mountains?

    A) Cabin!! In fact, vacation already planned for Steamboat, CO!! Can't wait for the cabin on 40+ acres with the family and my brother's family!! Though with all this snow, a beach is also VERY inviting! :smile: