New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Better-Balance-We usually vacation on Fripp Island, SC about 40 min. past Beaufort roughly 1 1/2 hours drive to Hilton Head. We can see Hilton Head from Fripp Island it would pretty close if you could go over the water!

    I love that part of the country. My family had/has a time share in Shipyard Plantation for about 20 years. I went every summer until I went to college. We used to see the same families every year and made friends there. Good times!
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14
    ~* ~* ~* QUESTION OF THE DAY! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Would an ideal vacation to you be more along the lines of Nightlife in The Big City, Combing The Beach, or a Cabin in the Mountains?

    OK, I thought I would make a token appearance on here :)

    Of course I love the mountains - I love hiking (day trips) and love the views, and any trails that lead to waterfalls! I did enjoy the beach on our honeymoon though... at the time the resort owned 6 miles of beach and it was very secluded. Now (we have been told) a lot of that beach was sold off and several new resorts share the beach. I don't like visiting crowded beaches, just a quiet combing of the beach works. My dad owns a condo on Tybee Island and the beach behind his condo stays fairly quiet. That works too. :) City night life is not my style, but I do like historical tours and walking through older districts.
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14
    So I just thought I would pop on here once in awhile so that Matt doesn't feel all alone. It is strange me gaining weight while he is losing weight. Tracking all the junk food I am eating this pregnancy is really not fun to watch all those not so nutritious calories so I only humored Matt a few times. :) But overall not gaining really excessively... Baby #4 and I have gained 14 lbs at 23.5 weeks. But that starting weight was already up 10 lbs that I gained the first month I went off my medication when we decided to try for baby #4... so really I am saying I have gained 24 pounds already.

    As for all the newbies, anyone is welcome! Just join right in. Matt likes to throw out a question of the day to keep the board active. Anyone can request either of our friendships though I am not really active on here right now. After July I am sure I am going to needs tons of support though! Plus, if Matt keeps losing and I keep gaining we will pass each other on the scale going opposite directions. This will not make me happy at all and is my only motivation to not gain too excessively this pregnancy.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Lots of new faces! Awesome! :) ... Welcome mavila , MFBChilds, mlally1014, greeneyes12273, rachturner, scoops13, natasmi2, theTupper, and RHOyalT! :)

    @Cortez ... Thanks for the sympathy! I'm just glad I'm done with the painting as of tonight! Yay!!! :)
    @AlissaPT ... That vaca to CO sounds awesome! =)
    @jesneverhome ... there is always a new start! After my last vacation I think I gave up drinking for the next 12 months! lol ... not good! Anyway, nice to see another face on here.
    @Better_Balance ... my father in law has a condo on Tybee Island, GA ... only been there once due to the logistics of kids and getting there but I loved it ... sounds so nice compared to Michigan snow right now!
    @Stefani ... I hear ya ... rarely do I enjoy the big city life ... I don't mind a quick stop to shop, or see the attractions, but I seem to relax a lot more elsewhere.
    @lizard ... that wedding must have been beautiful!!! I trust the weather was cooperating??
    @Tara ... as already said, the couch to 5k is a great program ... it's what I used and if I can do it, I know anyone can! lol
    @LorinaLynn ... you just made pub crawling sound fun! lol ... In Scotland looking for Nessie! I'm totally in! lol
    @Marceen ... thanks for popping in hon! Love you! :)
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I am 35 years old and a SAHM. I have been married 10 years and we have 3 very active children. We have a daughter who is 7 (on Saturday) and twin 3 year old boys. You guys add me I need all the support I can get!!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    I would take the cabin.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    Sorry but none of the above..I LOVE DIsney World and I get exercise while there with all the walking every day PLUS the kids LOVE it! Planning a Disney cruise for september 2011. I will really have to watch my food not as many choices as the parks.
  • mavila1978
    ~* ~* ~* QUESTION OF THE DAY! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Would an ideal vacation to you be more along the lines of Nightlife in The Big City, Combing The Beach, or a Cabin in the Mountains?

    For me, definitely nightlife in the Big City! I love action and excitement, nice hotels, fancy restaurants, dressing classy, and Broadway musicals!
  • scoops13
    scoops13 Posts: 31
    I would take any vacation!! We go to Disney World and love that. Of the three you mentioned I love to also go to the beach. We combine camping and the beach sometimes - there are a lot of great camping places at Myrtle with tons of stuff for the kids to do. I would love to go to New York City! I've never been there and have always wanted to go.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
    Thursday Question: How did you and your spouse meet?
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

    We met through an online dating site 11 years ago. I lived in PA, he was in MD. He was thinking of moving to Pennsylvania, just not this far north. There wasn't a category yet on that site for the northeast part of the state, so I listed my location in the Philadelphia area. It's pretty amazing... we never would have met otherwise! :heart:
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
    Thursday Question: How did you and your spouse meet?
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

    Love your story Lorina!!

    Matt and I also met on-line but not in the dating sort of way. I worked for a head hunter agency and in my down time I would browse the internet. I was not a recruiter, just an admin who did it all.... from payroll to insurance packages. One day I was going through personal web pages that were linked to the local radio station. I attempted to contact anyone whose page mentioned any kind of IT work. Matt was one of several people that I wrote but the only one who wrote me back. He was going to ignore me but since I mentioned seeing his webpage linked to the local radio station he thought I was a cool recruiter and gave me a courtesy email back. That should have been the end of it, but then he wrote me back from his work and I saw he was a contract employee with a Ford email address at the time... since many Ford contract employees were in my building I thought I better write him one more time (how odd it would have been if I had been trying to recruit someone in my own building!) He worked in another building, but somehow responded again and somehow - very quickly - the emails went from business to personal.

    When I realized we were both being flirty I went back and looked his page up again. I was horrified as he was over 3 years younger and still living at home, while I was a 26 year old divorced mom with an almost 3 year old. I figured we were hitting it off so well that he would still make a great friend... apparently I was right!

    So our joke is that since I couldn't recruit him for our company that I recruited him for life instead!!

    Thanks for the question Lorina!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
    Thursday Question: How did you and your spouse meet?
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    At the gym!! Well, that's not the whole story. My husband is 3.5 years younger. My mom used to teach 3rd grade and he was in her class! He was friends with my younger brother when they were 7-8 yrs old. My husband left and went to private school and they lost touch. Many years later I noticed a totally hot guy in the early morning Tae Bo class. I scoped him out for weeks trying to find out info about him. One morning my brother came to the class with me and started talking to the hot guy after class!! I pulled him aside and said, "Who is he?" I had know idea he was the same kid that used to come to our house and play. Ten years and two kids later... I still adore him.
  • AlissaPT
    AlissaPT Posts: 65 Member
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
    Thursday Question: How did you and your spouse meet?
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

    We worked together at a school for kids with special needs. The "motor room" (where the kids came for physical therapy with me) was in a partitioned part of the gym, within eyeline of the milk chest for lunch time. At first I thought it was strange that his classroom needed milk so frequently during the day and that they always sent him to go get it. One day we were talking about liking to hike and decided to meet up to hike a local mountain - neither of us know if it was "friends" or a "date." After hiking, I started to put together the frequent "milk stops." That hiking first date was over 10 years ago now!
  • Trjlove
    Trjlove Posts: 28
    Married, 35, will be 36 on 3/17. Two kids, boy 6 and girl 4. Married for 8 years in Oct.
  • jesneverhome
    jesneverhome Posts: 12 Member
    My husband and my cousin were good friends in high school so we met through my cousin. We dated for a month and then i stopped calling him. He told everyone HE dumped me so I didn't talk to him for years! I ran into him 5 years later and almost didn't talk to him ( i was still holding a grudge). My sister forced me to go and say hi and we have been together ever since.
    * editor's note: He has finally admitted the truth. I dumped him!
  • Trjlove
    Trjlove Posts: 28
    My husband and I met in a Tax class. I was in college and newly divorced, no children. He was divorced with two kids. It was not love at first sight. Actually I was not attracted to him at all. I recall thinking "thug", for he was not clean cut. Then we started working for this Tax Company. After a couple of months, we were working at the same time and I was going to get something to eat. Hence I asked everyone in the office if they wanted anything. He replied yes, gave me his order, along with one other coworker. After I brought the food back we were sitting in the back eating and we began a little flirting. He asked me for my number and I said I do not give my number out. After a little more conversation, I came to the conclusion that he was indeed an educated person, and he had cleaned up well (business attire and clean cut). So I told him I would give him my unpublished number once, if he loses it oh well. But I did not write it down, just called it out to him. He called, but I did not return his call, there was many underlying reasons...long story shortened...he asked if he could cook dinner for me at his home, I agreed. This was completely illogical and out of character for me, hence a first. He prepared my first baked steak, we talked a great deal...Out first date was in Feb. we were married by Oct. (No I was not pregnant!!)
  • mavila1978
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
    Thursday Question: How did you and your spouse meet?
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

    I was his English teacher.

    Ok, it's not really as scandalous as it sounds. I was 28 and he was 38 and I was teaching English as a Second Language classes to adults in the community. He was something special from the very beginning - giving me that feeling that the whole world seemed brighter knowing that he exists. As his instructor I couldn't really do anything about it until after the class was over, but when he did not show up for the test the last day, I called him to find out why. He said that he lives an hour away, had some issues with his car and couldn't make it, and was disappointed because he had a gift for me and couldn't give it to me. In a moment of audacity, I asked him if he wouldn't mind if I went to the city he lives in to see him. The rest is history! We've been married for three years and I have never been so happy.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
    Thursday Question: How did you and your spouse meet?
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    We met at work. And the way my husband tells it, when he first saw me he told his buddy "That's my future wife!" I had went to work as temp in a position that was supposed to last for two weeks. It ended up longer and after being there for 6 months, we went on our first date. The job became permanent and since we couldn't work at the same location, he got transfered and we continued to date for 3 years, we then married on the anniversary of our first date and have been married for 4 years. His buddy did confirm the "future wife" comment....and there's more to that, my husband swears there was a glow around me like he was looking at an angel! HA HA HA!! I love to hear him tell the story.
  • Lisa076
    Lisa076 Posts: 78
    I was just recently introduced to MFP and I have to say what a great site!
    I am 34 years old, married 3 years this coming May, and I am a mother to 2 amazing children.
  • tyoung75
    tyoung75 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey guys... any tips for training for a 5k? It's my first ever. I'm still over weight but I'm determined to do this for a little girl I know that has cancer. Her parents are heading up the team. So I wanna make sure i do as well as possible :)

    go to It's a plan to get you from the couch to running a 5k in 9 weeks.

    Thank you so much! That's a huge help! I've been using my treadmill but it's being a pain and the belt is sliding... driving me crazy!