New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    another way to find this thread is to go to community then click "my topics" and you'll see the threads where you've posted. I think this caps at 500 posts/thread but as long as we're all on the same one, it'll be there. You also can click on someone's name and I think you can see the last threads where they've posted (or at least you can for sure if you are friends). SO today Matt's post that he had posted a new question showed up in my newsfeed and I clicked on his name and then was able to follow here from his page. Clear as mud?

    I wanted to be an archeologist when I was a kid. Too much Indiana Jones maybe? Now, I work in the Emergency Department....also always an adventure.
  • Marceen
    Hello, I am Marceen, Matt's (the thread creator) wife. I am pregnant so not trying to lose weight, but thought it would be interesting to log my food and see all the junk I am putting in my body. :) As Matt mentioned, we have 3 children plus the one on the way. I am a few years older than he is though, currently 37. That makes me AMA or "advanced maternal age" this pregnancy. :)
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    AMA is so fun to have at the top of your Dr. charts isn't it? Nothing like making you feel geriatric as well as being immensely pregnant! I went through that with my two youngest. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    ~* ~* ~* MONDAY QUESTION *~ *~ *~

    (Disclaimer: Obviously we can all talk about whatever! I just thought it may be fun to have some themes occasionally, especially as we get started, to generate some dialog)

    Q: How do you deal with the weekend battles when it comes to food? Any tips, victory stories, or stumbles any of us want to share?

    (Answer for me: I'm just getting started (again) so my motivation is still pretty high so I think that my energy and the newness of a new plan has been carrying me so far. However what's worked for me in the past (and now) is not only portion control, but making a commitment to myself while making dinner on how much I will eat. Weekends often mean more time around the house and more time to cook for us, so picking while I eat, or going up for seconds is very/too easy. Thus I just have been making a decision beforehand on what I'm going to eat and making a 'promise' to myself as such)

    Also the weekends are a great time to make lunches in advance for the work week if you have left overs!
  • jaybaileys
    I usually prepare my food before my trips and take most of what I need with me. I try to eat real good during the week at work, so when I come home if the kids want pizza on Friday night I can go still have a chicken salad and a few slices of pizza and not feel bad. 1 or 2 cheat meals a week I think are ok. As long as you don't eat everything in sight ,1 bad night every now and then I think is good, you get it out of your system if you have a craving but the rest of your week should be try to eat good. That works for me. Don't know about everyone else.

    And Matt, I thought flying would be a very exciting, lucrative, rewarding career. It hasn't turned out to be very lucrative, and the job stability is a joke. I've been with my company about 5 1/2 years. That's the longest I've ever held one flying job. You are just gone too much and the money and benefits aren't what they were 20 or 30 years ago. P;us when we fly we buy tickets, because the planes are so full everywhere, it's impossible to non-rev. Especially when you need 4 seats. All of you who hate to fly, can possibly get what I mean.
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    The weekends is when I work out the hardest, and that means I can also allow myself a few treats. But I try to make smart choices, like having pop corn instead of potato chips or home-made pizzas instead of take-out.
  • aimlow
    aimlow Posts: 39 Member
    I do find weekends the hardest if we are social. Luckily a few of my friends are dieting too. I find eating lat the hardest as I tend to eat too much when i am hungry. I also try to prioritise my workout. I love doing dvd's at the moment as I can do them at any time.
    I did half this afternoon and plan to finish it off when the kids are asleep.

    I also am trying to zig zag my calories a little to get of this plateau so I am happy to have the occasional cheat day and then very low calorie days. This has caused some weight loss after a long flat period so it seems to work.
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    I ran a half marathon yesterday and saw a woman wearing a hat that said "I run so that I can eat" This is the story of my weekends :) I have time to work out more, so I can happily enjoy some of the foods I don't get to have all the time and stay within my goals

    I do try to prepare ahead foods for the week ahead too.
  • lkkyer
    lkkyer Posts: 38 Member
    Saturdays are the worst for me, since it's the day we usually eat out. I'm only three weeks in, but I worked out harder yesterday to make up for Saturday. I figure if I give myself a few extra exercise calories and don't go too crazy with my meal, it will be okay to slip a little. I guess we'll see how well that worked later this week when I weigh in.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    I wanted to be a teacher all of my childhood. In high school, I loved Spanish and started college to be a high school Spanish Teacher. In the process, my little part time job in retail , turned into a love of retail, and the desire to work with teenagers I advanced in the job to the point of working on becoming a District Manager. What was so rewarding? It was the teaching However as doors kept closing(not my skill set..always recieved Very Good ratings on evaluations) I found myself frustrated. Bosses kept changing, budgets kept going down, positions eliminated,...etc.(felt like God was closing the doors) I actually ran a district two times while my boss was gone for long projects and kept up with the pack. So......I left feeling like I wasn't supposed to be there anymore.......and guess what...Now I am a teacher to my children! I am one PROUD HOMESCHOOLING MOMMA! Far more rewarding than I ever thought.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning all. I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was a kid. I ended up becoming a landscape architect, so I am designing after all. Just outside spaces and not clothing.

    Hope your weekends were good. My husband and I are putting our house on the market Thursday so I spent 7 hours cleaning over the course of the weekend. Also got a great run in yesterday. I had one of my worst food days Saturday, but it happens. I'm back on the horse! Have a great week!
  • 33- married for 14 yrs this year : ) 3 kids, 13 son, 12 daughter, 8 son :) feel free to add me, I think it sounds like fun
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    @Better_Balance ... good luck with the house, that's a huge undertaking! What's causing the move? Work/Change/Schools, anything in particular?

    @ChelseaRW ... how awesome ... He closes doors, and He opens new ones up ... sounds like there was a plan for you in this! :) Thanks for sharing.

    @Ikkyer ... We don't usually eat out, but what kills me (or at least used to right?) are those darned $5 pizzas! Busy usually meant cheap and fast which equals garbage :(

    @elf ... first of all, congrats on the half! I just started running last Spring/Summer and have done 7 5ks so far but will hopefully be mixing in a couple 10ks this year. And what's great about running is I get to eat more! lol I love that shirt :)

    @aimlow ... social situations really are crazy hard ... we all have our triggers and stress is actually not one of mine (usually), it's
    social eating ... I love to eat, laugh, and drink ... a lot! lol It's learning to have a good time without food (just how I grew up I guess!)

    @ingeborgv ... great point about the homemade pizza as pizza is a huge favorite of mine. We have a store (Trader Joe's) here that stocks (for $1) ready to make whole wheat pizza dough ... very thankful for that as you can actually make a pretty respectable healthy pizza if you do it at home!

    @jaybaileys ... great point about the cheat meals ... I'm sure we all have various ways that work for us. I think I will be there eventually ... I need to lose a good percentage first (just cuz I want to get there quicker) and then sink into a more reasonable pattern. Sorry about the flying not-so-good-career ... I guess rewind 20-30 years as you said and it would be much different. But dude, you can still call yourself a pilot, that just sounds cool ;)

    oh, and @holly you made me laugh at your comment to my wife's post! AMA is all we heard that first appointment ... "WELL, because you're over 35 ..." :)
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    29, married since 2002 (together since 2000), two kids (2 1/2 yr old boy and 5 yr old girl).
    Looking to get back to the wedding weight of 120-125.

    Nice to meet all of you. :bigsmile:
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    ~* ~* ~* TUESDAY QUESTION *~ *~ *~

    Q) What's your exercise of choice?

    I'm a runner!

    I love saying that! 8 months ago I would have laughed in your face (if I wouldn't have pulled a muscle in my unfit body doing so!) ... I never exercised, yes never. I never went to a gym, never worked out at home, never did any of that. OK, I wasn't completely inactive, I did do things that exercised my body (like the occasional hike when camping, or bike riding in the neighborhood with the kids) ... but I never spent anytime to just exercise for the point of exercising.

    Through some friends and inspiration from above, I decided to put a few things in order. I am amazed that the running bug bit me but it has, and 7 5k races later (and looking forward to monthly official runs continuing) I'm a runner!!! :)
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    ~* ~* ~* TUESDAY QUESTION *~ *~ *~

    Q) What's your exercise of choice?

    Well, I don't think I can officially call myself a triathlete yet since I have yet to compete in one, but that's what my workouts consist of. Running, biking, swimming...that's all I'm doing these days. My first tri is April 10. Less than 8 weeks to go!!

    Of course, I also play softball and the occasional game of golf but are those REALLY exercise?? :ohwell:
  • kilojoule
    checking in! 35 married 10 years with 4 wild boys. Love to ride/race bicycles and stress out my wife :-)
  • kilojoule
    ~* ~* ~* TUESDAY QUESTION *~ *~ *~

    Q) What's your exercise of choice?

    I'm a roadie (cyclist)!

    Buddy at work got me hooked on riding bikes 4 years ago and I have since upgraded to a semi pro category. Cool thing is i get to rub elbows with guys who get paid to ride there bikes! (Floyd, Lance, others from various pro teams...) bad thing is im still just a middle aged father of 4 that gets my @ss kicked by guys with real talent! Wouldnt change a thing, props to the wife for letting me ride my bike 20+ hours a week to pretend i can be competitive because she loves me.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    ~* ~* ~* TUESDAY QUESTION *~ *~ *~

    Q) What's your exercise of choice?

    I love weight training. My favorite cardio is Zumba. If a Zumba class isnt an option I use cardio machines at the gym. My fave by far is the step mill (rotating stairs). Other than that I use the Precor full body trainer or fast-paced power walking on a severe incline to change it up. I hate the elliptical... not sure why I just don't like it.
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    ~* ~* ~* TUESDAY QUESTION *~ *~ *~

    Q) What's your exercise of choice?

    A) Zumba and hiking. Zumba because I LOVE to dance. Hiking because of the fresh air, views, and workout.