HizGoddess Member


  • I am fairly new here too. Having friends on here helps with accountability! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi there :) We can all use more accountability!! Add me and we can help each other out!
  • You CAN do what we call a Hybrid of Insanity and P90X for just this reason. I am doing Insanity at the moment as I am wanting to lose weight, work my core and tone. But once I complete it, I will be doing a Hybrid of the two to incorporate weights back into my regimen as well. So yes, weights would be beneficial for you.
  • Hi there! Sorry but I had to chuckle reading your post. I am 42 and have learned in the last 3 years that I have quite the competitive streak in me. I tend to try and keep up with my fiance when we are working out....I am 5'6 and he is 6'6!! And I always end up hurting something. And I live on Glucosimine and ice…
  • I guess it would depend on what your goals are. Weight loss? Toning? Full body transformation? I have done P90X, Turbo Jam and am currently doing Insanity. I also have Ten Minute Trainer that I picked up for those days when I just don't have much time. So if you have any questions about any of those, I would be more then…
  • The "size" thing is not something I like to go by as far as comparison. Because at my heaviest of 232 (and I am 5'5) I wore a size 20 mainly because of my saddle bags/thighs. I never had the waist for a size 20 and had to wear a belt as I had to buy big enough for my more 'problem areas'. I have a pic in my album of the…
  • I would cheat and go look at Subway's nutritional menu online. I think they break it down all the way to the bread. Just a thought. It should be close. Good luck
    in WWYD? Comment by HizGoddess June 2012
  • Hi there!! And welcome to the party :) I was reading your post and was curious if your doctor or anyone has talked to you about zero-impact exercises? I ask because I know a lot of people who are working out to Tai Cheng right now. It was specifically created for things like this. My mom is loving it! She has a severed…
  • I am north of Houston in The Woodlands. Nice to meet you all!! :)