Maximize Insanity results weight loss/belly fat(supplements?

Hello everyone!

Some background, I'm 19, home from college and determined to get into better shape and lose my spare tire. Home scale says I started at 190 lbs and I would like to be around 170-175 (I'm 6'0) but honestly I don't care as long as I look good.

Currently I am on week 3 day 3 of Insanity and I think I have had pretty good results so far, lost about 6-7 pounds and when I went to visit friends for the first time in 4 weeks, 4 of them asked if I had lost weight (how awesome it was to hear that!!).

But I still have a ways to go, in my mind at least. Personally I have not noticed too much change in my body type, except for maybe my neck isn't as fat, but the belly is still kind of big (maybe a small difference, IDK). But I keep telling myself I have only finished two full weeks.

My diet has improved a lot. I cut pop out of my diet a few months ago and don't crave it at all anymore. I don't really follow the Insanity plan too much, but I'm just trying to eat healthy in general and eating a little less (I'm a 19 yr old male, I could eat a horse lol). Spacing my meals has helped and I'm not starving myself (which I've read can actually impede weight loss)

Anything I should be doing to further target weight loss? When I say supplements I don't mean those gimmicky pills but something like fish oil? Or I have some whey protein, take some of that for recovery? Bear in mind I want to slim down and look good.

If I'm up to it, should I ride stationary bike for 20 minutes on top of Insanity? Nothing hardcore, but a little extra cardio and hell would be a cool down for Insanity haha.

Thanks! Thoughts/help/advice? Fairly content with my pace and results so far, but you know, I want to make sure if I am putting in this much effort already, go a little further and get even better results!



  • BlondeQtTexas
    BlondeQtTexas Posts: 97 Member
    Congrats on your new healthy life style.

    I know for me taking supplements seems to help. I have a very flat, rock hard belly. I work out, eat clean and take amino acids.

    Here is a great article on the top 10 supplements for weight loss.
  • crrobinson85
    Watch your intake of processed carbs! I know that for me, when i eliminate bread, pasta, rice, cereal and fried foods and increase my protein intake, my tummy shrinks down fast - exercise or not. To me, that proves that weight loss, especially in the mid-section is 80% diet, 20% exercise. I have done my best to cut out all processed carbs (i have a weak spot for Twix though). For carbs I eat fruit, veggies, sweet potatoes (baked, never fried) and other complex carbs. When I get a sweet tooth, I hit up my local self serve frozen yogurt spot and skip the candy toppings. I love bbq bacon cheeseburgers, but I get it protein style (no bun) and opt for bison meat instead of cow meat (more lean, less fat, more protein, less cholesterol and sodium). If I want french toast or a taco, sprouted grain bread or tortillias are your best option. The grains are a complete protein. Ezekial 4:9 is a popular brand. You can find it at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. All in all, you have to find what works best for you, but I would suggest cutting out processed carbs for sure.

    27 female
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    Its as simple as calories in, calories out.

    Stick to a High Protein, low carb, low fat diet and you will see better results IMO. If you don't watch your intake, you will never know how much you're consuming. If indeed you eat like a 19 yr old, those lbs will come off much slower.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Less Insanity and more lifting heavy things, take advantage of your hormones and put on some mass
  • BlondeQtTexas
    BlondeQtTexas Posts: 97 Member
    Watch your intake of processed carbs! I know that for me, when i eliminate bread, pasta, rice, cereal and fried foods and increase my protein intake, my tummy shrinks down fast - exercise or not. To me, that proves that weight loss, especially in the mid-section is 80% diet, 20% exercise. I have done my best to cut out all processed carbs (i have a weak spot for Twix though). For carbs I eat fruit, veggies, sweet potatoes (baked, never fried) and other complex carbs. When I get a sweet tooth, I hit up my local self serve frozen yogurt spot and skip the candy toppings. I love bbq bacon cheeseburgers, but I get it protein style (no bun) and opt for bison meat instead of cow meat (more lean, less fat, more protein, less cholesterol and sodium). If I want french toast or a taco, sprouted grain bread or tortillias are your best option. The grains are a complete protein. Ezekial 4:9 is a popular brand. You can find it at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. All in all, you have to find what works best for you, but I would suggest cutting out processed carbs for sure.

    27 female

  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Less Insanity and more lifting heavy things, take advantage of your hormones and put on some mass
    ^^^This. Take it from a female who lost lots of weight, and, alas, muscle, doing Insanity and is struggling to put on lean body mass. Do it now, before you lose any more!
  • AddisonandClark
    Thanks for all of the advice guys!!

    Overall I'm watching what I eat for the most part just by common sense be healthy, not necessarily cutting one thing out of my diet (well I do avoid HFCS food or high trans or sat fat foods), but I haven't really thought about cutting carbs out. I am eating much better though like when I go out with friends out eating out anywhere I usually get grilled chicken or something like that. Usually at BWW I get 12-18 wings but now I've been getting a grilled chicken sandwich.

    One thing is though, if I try to cut carbs out of my diet, but then start eating carbs again, won't I gain all that weight back quickly? Not saying once I reach my target weight and body type I'm going to go back to my old eating habits, but I wouldn't mind eating something unhealthy every once in a while, instead of trying to extremely limit it like I am now.

    CRRobinson you mentioned a few food types, I already try to limit my fried foods, don't eat too much rice or pasta, a lot of the bread I eat is whole wheat or multigrain. But cereal, usually have a bowl of Special K or Total for breakfast.

    Less Insanity and more lifting heavy things, take advantage of your hormones and put on some mass
    ^^^This. Take it from a female who lost lots of weight, and, alas, muscle, doing Insanity and is struggling to put on lean body mass. Do it now, before you lose any more!

    Interesting, all I've heard from people is that they increased their fitness during Insanity and I assumed they also gained a little muscle (I understand as hardcore a cardio program like Insanity won't build too much muscle).

    Should I supplement a couple days of P90x into my routine? Like the chest, the shoulders, etc... routine to go along with Insanity? I'm not that muscular to begin with and my big thing is losing my belly. Wouldn't mind getting bigger arms and shoulders lol

    Thanks everyone!! Very helpful.
  • AddisonandClark
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    Someone said less insanity and more weights. I say do weights in addtion to insanity.
  • Giniac
    Giniac Posts: 36 Member
    Track you fat intake and try not to have it higher than 65g a day, obviously a very low amount of fat will start to mess around with your testosterone, so don't have your intake too low.

    Also, don't cut down too much on carbs (around 200g a day?), where else will you get your energy?

    Are you also factoring in the amount of energy you are expending through your exercise? If not you should be and then trying to make up for some calories that are lost through it, otherwise your body could move into 'starvation mode' basically means that it will hold onto every calorie it can, which will result in fat not being burned, and instead stored.

    I wouldn't bother with the fat loss pills either, they seem more of a placebo effect, and if they did what they said on the label, wouldn't we all be thin? :)
  • HizGoddess
    HizGoddess Posts: 10 Member
    You CAN do what we call a Hybrid of Insanity and P90X for just this reason. I am doing Insanity at the moment as I am wanting to lose weight, work my core and tone. But once I complete it, I will be doing a Hybrid of the two to incorporate weights back into my regimen as well. So yes, weights would be beneficial for you.
  • nancysmith46
    For meggles 83, Your wording is a little off. Can you say it again?
  • archyash86
    archyash86 Posts: 2 Member
    Im currently on Day 1 of Week 5 (second month), I am wanting the same results as you, to lose the belly and to gain some lean musle.

    I am 6ft and at the start weighed 186lbs, I now currently weigh 178lbs. my belly has shrank and I can now tell slightly when looking at pictures of Day 1 and Day 30.

    My diet is again just like yours, I am eating healthy but by no means sticking to the plan. My rest day is my "Unhealthy" day where I treat myself or have a few well earned beers.

    The route I am taking is, firstly cut the weight to where I feel comfortable looking at it, my aim is of course a 6 pack but my weight aim is around the 168lb mark. I am going to do this by completing Insanity, remember most people advise that the second month is whereyou see the results come through.

    After I have finished Insanity I am going to mix insanity up with the Upper Body Weight Training DVD that comes with the Deluxe package, I enjoy the concept of Insanity and the weight lifting DVD follows the same circuit style training. My idea is to do Cardio Mon and Wed, weights Tues and Thursday. Then on Friday concentrate on my abs i.e. completing insane abs or cardio abs. Eventually leading to weight training the majority of the time whilst doing the odd cardio to stay ripped.

    Supplements, currently I am using USN 100% Whey Protein one shake per day and having low fat chocolate milk straight after cardio (research it, its very good for replacing carbs). As of today though for month two onwards I am upping the my shakes to two per day.

    If like me you are wanting to improve your muscles / strength then concerntrate on your proteing intake, the 40/40/20 method will be good for you. 40% Carbs 40% Protein 20% Fat, is how Im trying to maintain my diet. I also try to do 100 press ups a day extra, not all at once but in at least multiples of 20, and do as many sets as I can.

    I honestly feel much stronger than the day 1, I was able to do 10 clapping press ups the other day, which I was over the moon about!! Little things like that can make a huge differance in your confidence.

    Remember Insanity over 60 days proably isnt going to change your body to the exact way you want it to be however it is gonna give the you the confidence to know that you can change your body dramatically by determination and DIGGING DEEPER!!

    Hope you get the results you want!