OffTheBeatenPath Member


  • Ok so a friend of mine buys the sweet and salty kettle corn popcorn bags. She said that they only have 70 calories in a bag. I took the box, pencil, and paper to figure this quandary out. So 2 Tablespoons is one serving which makes 4 cups popcorn. 2 Tablespoons un-popped is 170 calories. 1 cup popped is 35 calories. There…
  • Yes, mine is a Presto Popper and I absolutely LOVE mine. It makes the most awesome popcorn ever. What I don't understand is they say that a bag of microwave popcorn is 70 calories. My Presto Popper pops 1/3 cup at a time. The popcorn bags that I have says that 3 tablespoons is a serving of un-popped popcorn. When I make my…
  • I have a microwave popcorn popper and I just make my own. I prefer to know what is being put on my popcorn. I think it tastes better without all the extra crud anyway.
  • I understand what you are saying. From my view point, my ex husband believed that the best way to motivate me was to tear me down and to make me feel like crap when I wasn't doing it the way he thought that I should do it. I always seemed to fail. When I would make really good progress he would intentionally sabotage me so…
  • I am a larger woman, I am considered obese by many terms. This is the first time in I don't know how long that I have been able to lose weight and keep it off over a long period. When I say long period I mean over 2 weeks, because that is when I usually give up. I think ANY doctor would want me to lose the weight in the…
  • I found the challenges that I was talking about. They were actually from Endomondo fitness tracker, not from here. I guess that would make a HUGE difference in finding them. O.o
  • I just started as well about a month ago. I have told my daughter, we are not on a diet, diets you give up, we are changing our lifestyle. We need to learn how to eat better, and better portion sizes. I have a digital scale to use to get use to better portion control. I use measuring cups to measure food. Once I know how…
  • I just bought this used for only $15. I am wanting to get into using it. I live a pretty sedentary life style and I need to get up and move to start to lose. Can this even be logged into the the exercise diary?