Repeat failure - Trying again, this time with a fitbit


It's time to make a change. I started using this site a couple of years ago and lost some weight. Gained it back. Tried again, didn't lose anything. Here we are. It's 2 years later and my weight has spiked up and down, as have my emotions. I'm ready to give it one last try. I've got realistic expectations, I've got a fitbit, and I've got a body badly out of shape.
I'm a 38 year old father of 2. I'm diabetic, I need to lose about 100 pounds,I barely get off my butt. I binge eat, especially at night, and I'm really feeling like the future is slipping away.

I was successful doing low carb but can't seem to get back to that lifestyle. I had a lap band surgery 5 years ago but it never worked and is "deactivated" due to several issues. Another surgery is out of the question for many reasons.

So here I am again "on my own". I was never active with these forums and was told it's worth giving a try.

I am losing faith in myself and in willpower. If anyone here is willing to give a newbie some support, I'll happily take it.

I don't mean to come across so negative, but I really feel like I'm alone in this journey and am losing my grip on my health and life. I lost my father when I was young and I'm really upset today that history may repeat itself with my 2 little ones.

Thank you so much!


  • nielsonfam
    nielsonfam Posts: 138 Member
    Jason, I am a newbie myself and can't offer much advice but just wanted to say that showing up here and posting your story is a huge first step toward success! YOU CAN DO THIS!:happy:
  • SierraZulu
    Hi Jason,

    It's a great start to share your story and join up here again! Way to go! I've found that finding some motivating, positive friends on this site really makes a difference, especially when you're having a down day. It helps you to keep going. I can't speak to what may work diet wise for you, as everyone is different, and I am not sure what your needs are with the diabetes, as the only experience I have with that is managing a diabetic cat...and the food there is a little different! LOL

    But, I can share what has worked for me. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, and that's fine. Everyone's different and the same things don't work for everyone.

    I started a couple of months before I joined MFP and counting that, have lost 14 lbs so far. I didn't want to do a "diet" because I know I wouldn't be able to keep that up forever. So, my fiance and I decided to make a lifestyle change. We got rid of most processed foods, and just replaced any white bread, pasta etc. with brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta, added a bunch of veggies to everything. We still use butter, olive oil and pretty much most things. We have steak, we have other lean meats, added more fish. The beauty of this is that the complex carbs and all the veggies keep you feeling full. The trick is to eat regularly so you keep your blood sugar levels even throughout the day and you're less likely to binge. If we want a treat once in a while, we have it. Nothing's off limits, it's just a matter of moderation. I have a sweet tooth and a couple of squares of dark chocolate take care of that. The funny thing is, even though it was hard the first few weeks, we stuck to it, and now we crave salad more than pizza. I used to love chips and would mindlessly eat my way through a whole bag and, even though I know I can have some if I want, I stopped craving them.

    The other thing we did is to start moving more. We started with a 15 min walk and then we added a gentle 20 min yoga. It didn't matter what, the objective was to just move more than we did before. And, as we got slowly fitter, we found that 20 min yoga no longer felt like enough of a workout, so we added more as our bodies felt ready. There's no rush or time limit and tiny little changes as you go add up. We now do a circuit training with weights and cardio 6 days a week and add in some yoga here and there for stretching. About to start running again. And it's only been about 3 months since we started.

    BTW, I just got the Fitbit Flex a few days ago, and find it's really helping me to move more! The beauty is that it syncs so well with MFP too!

    You can do it and sometimes it takes trial and error to figure out what works for you. If you'd like, feel free to add me in and I'll provide any support I can.
  • teabeeten
    teabeeten Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Jason! I think for me, the best part of using myfitnesspal has been that I've stopped beating myself up for my perceived failures every day. Just taking the simple steps of logging my food and my exercise, good or bad, every day allows me to feel like I'm in control and I'm making positive progress. My weight loss has been slow, but I'm fine with that. I'm healthier and happier bit by bit and I've stopped using that really cruel internal voice I used to use with myself.

    It's been very helpful to have friends online who look at my diary and my activity and give me feedback. I tend to make better choices when I'm not doing it in a vacuum. I'm a fitbit user too and would be happy to try to be some support for you.

    You can do this! Not every day will be a perfect day, and that's OK. Just take it step by step, mini goal to mini goal and be kind to yourself.
  • BrownKibbe
    BrownKibbe Posts: 17 Member
    I'll support you in any way that I can. I won't bore you with too many details, (which I'm very, very good at!), but I broke my ankle, breast cancer and then moved from Texas (born and raised) to St Louis for my husband's job. Really bad few years leading up to all of that, also. Drinking wine every night to self-medicate, drank thru cancer, too, to be honest and after we moved here.

    I decided to make a change. I stopped drinking except on weekends (down to 1 weekend night and way, way down on amount, too), got on the HCG Diet, did 1 continuous round before a beach trip, probably 4 1/2 months, lost 23.5 lbs, felt great. Got off the diet, supposedly had reset my metabolism, started eating badly again, totally sedentary, gained those lbs back plus I added another 25 lbs to make sure and do it up right! Ha!

    I need to lose at least 70 lbs; I want to lose 80 lbs. I've been completely sedentary for the last 3 years off and on. I have to eat less, eat right and move more...apparently 3 of my least favorite things to do but I'll do them with you if you'd like. And, as a bonus, since I assume you're a male, I'll let you do the exact same amounts and lose 65% more than me as we go along!!! Lol!

    Kristi B.
  • BrownKibbe
    BrownKibbe Posts: 17 Member
    Oh, yeah, one more thing...I agree with the poster that said that since it has to be liveable, it can't be a "diet" as it's traditionally been known. I know that I will try very hard to stay within my caloric range to meet my goals but there are things that I think that are good for you but not calorically, i.e. nuts, some types of protein. I don't believe in low fat and use whole natural dairy versus low fat. I don't really want to count anything but just make small changes that will hopefully be things I can live with long term.

    Kristi B.
  • BrownKibbe
    BrownKibbe Posts: 17 Member
    I just read the article you posted. Thank you so much! It's so right, so true and I really relate.

    You are my favorite person today.

    Have I told you today how much I love you? ; )

    Kristi B.
  • OffTheBeatenPath
    OffTheBeatenPath Posts: 10 Member
    I just started as well about a month ago. I have told my daughter, we are not on a diet, diets you give up, we are changing our lifestyle. We need to learn how to eat better, and better portion sizes. I have a digital scale to use to get use to better portion control. I use measuring cups to measure food. Once I know how much a certain amount of an item is I can eye ball it. Until then it is measuring. Log EVERYTHING. I gave up soda, and I hate water. So I buy the little flavor squirts that you put in water. I quit buying the 2 quart flavor ones because they have 5 calories per serving. The squirters if you look usually have no calories.

    I look at calories on everything that I buy and am more careful what I eat. If you want a candy bar, plan it. Buy the 100 calorie packs of snacks so you can "eat the whole bag". I don't buy ice cream. I will eat the entire container. If I want ice cream we have to get in the car and drive to buy a cone or a shake. I will usually research what I am going to get before I actually get it so I know what calories I am going to be using.

    I will be more than willing to be a motivator for you if you want to add me. If you mess up, well you mess up. Try to keep your food change on your left and your exercise on the right. If you don't exercise don't let it derail your eating goals. Keep them separate. That way you are never a failure, just a human who is breaking very hard bad habits. That is how I look at it anyways.