creativecalico Member


  • Totally agree with shopping at Aldi! Your local Spanish or Asian grocery will probably have better produce at better prices than the chains and WAY cheaper spices. As far as foods themselves, bags of frozen chicken, EGGS, bags of apples and oranges, produce you have to cut yourself like cabbage and kale.
  • I frequently just drink a cup of (pasteurized) egg whites by themselves or use as the liquid in a smoothie. I don't know why so many people think they're gross! They make lots of old school cocktails (egg nog, whiskey sour) taste delicious and frothy.
  • Have you tried PB2? It's powdered peanut butter with most of the fat removed. Liquid egg whites are another great low-fat high-protein choice.
  • I make fancy infused spa water with fresh fruits and herbs. Right now I have cantaloupe ginger water in the fridge. I feel like I'm treating myself without ingesting crazy amounts of empty calories. It also helps you switch up what you're drinking so you're not bored with water again.
  • Egg white smoothies: blend your favorite fruit with liquid pasteurized egg whites.
  • I usually just mix liquid egg whites into drinks like green smoothies. All of the kind in the cartons are pasteurized so you don't actually have to cook them.
  • I read labels before I purchase food. There's a lot of sugar added to things you wouldn't think like tomato sauce. When it comes to fruit, some (like most tropical fruit) has more sugar than others (like berries).
  • I've made something similar with almond butter or sunflower seed butter. I bet cashew butter would be good! Tahini is a bit too much for me in that kind of quantity. Coconut aminos is a pretty good sub for soy sauce.
  • I really like the Nuun tablets. You could also take honey packets and some salt water.