avenathus Member


  • I've noticed that I have significantly less lower belly fat ever since I reduced the amount of dairy and wheat in my diet. I don't have a flat stomach (yet) but when I avoid those things I am much less puffy there.
  • There used to be this increasingly huge clan of guys who would come to my gym around the same time I would go every morning. It started out this guy maybe around my age and a young kid, maybe his younger brother? Then it became a clan of the guy's friends. And I guess he was training them or something, but they would take…
  • That you should never go more than a few hours without eating. What, so you get up in the middle of the night to eat handfuls of almonds??? Just silly.
  • Also, I found http://www.exrx.net/ to be super helpful in terms of finding different movements for different muscle groups, learning form, etc. If you're stuck on a lift and you're not really sure if you're doing it right, look up form tutorials on YouTube, and consider even videotaping yourself. You want to make sure you…
  • Focus on the big, compound movements: deadlift, squat, bench, overhead press, chin-ups. Add in some push-ups, rows, squat variations (single leg, Bulgarian split, etc.), deadlift variations (single leg, Romanian), kettlebell swings. Start off small but soon you'll see yourself lifting big weights! And stick to a few sets…
  • Currently I lift heavy 2 days a week, then 3 days of interval training type stuff. I warm up with 5 minutes of brisk uphill walking and cool down with stretches. Total time is usually 30-45 minutes. Day 1: Deadlift, bent over dumbbell row, cable lat pulldown or negative pull-ups. 3-4 sets of 5-10 each. Day 2: Back squat,…
  • Heavy squats! Load up that olympic bar and squat "*kitten* to grass" ;) Okay, well start off small if you've never done it before-- but you'll work your way up fast! Deadlifts are also helpful in working the leg muscles. I've noticed my butt seriously perking up since I started squatting heavy a few months ago. Didn't see…
  • He took me to the restaurant we went to on the night when we became an "official" couple... so it's always been one of our favorite spots (it's a pretty average Italian family-owned place heh). Suddenly the cashier from the front of the restaurant comes up and says, "Sir, please come up front, there's a bill that you…
  • thanks for the responses, Chris and Melissa :) I typically eat some of my exercise cals, rarely all of them. Particularly because I try to create a buffer in case I am overestimating them (no HRM). I do try to eat less during the week but still keep it between 1000-1300 net each day. I am thinking of trying a mix of ESE…
  • I'm so glad I found this thread! I've been doing LG since July or so. But... well, I FAIL at it. I have *regained* BF and weight! :( I don't follow LG perfectly... I'm not perfect when it comes to cycling my macros, and I struggle like hell on the weekends. Weekends are tough for me because I spread out my time between…
  • Canned tuna and cottage cheese! I also buy the generic version of protein powder from my grocery store (Stop & Shop), it's about $12 for a big jug that lasts me awhile.
  • Oh and eating quinoa in place of oatmeal... I cook the quinoa like normal, then mix it up with cinnamon, bananas or apples, peanut butter, and some greek yogurt.
  • I thought it would be weird to mix warm (microwaved from frozen) blueberries with cottage cheese but it's delicious! My favorite healthy "dessert" now :) Also, my PB&J Protein Paste... sounds kind of odd but peanut butter, jelly, and protein powder all mixed up together in a paste/spread is delicious.
  • There are a lot of people who have healthy metabolisms on just 2 meals a day. It's often referred to as "intermittent fasting" and it's been shown to have quite a few health and fitness benefits. I learned a lot about IF from Martin Berkhan; here is his guide to the "Leangains" eating protocol which I have found to be a…
  • I eat oatmeal just about every day! I put a little dash of cinnamon, half a scoop of vanilla protein powder, and a tbsp of peanut butter or almond butter. Sometimes I cut up a banana and put it in there too. One of my *favorite* things to eat :)
  • It sounds more like breakfast than dessert but lately I've been mixing warmed-up/hot blueberries or strawberries with some cottage cheese and maybe some banana and flax seeds or almonds. It's great for protein! And it's just sweet enough that I often have it for dessert after dinner :)
  • Sorry to hijack this thread slightly but I'm in a similar situation (reached my goal, starting maintaining and lifting heavy, and put weight back on) and this is a question I have about my own calorie consumption. Do you mean cutmd's net cals should be 1800 for maintenance, even after exercise? Or she should just eat 1800…
  • I have found this website to be pretty helpful in converting volume... http://www.calculateme.com/Volume/index.htm
  • me too!!! Or "idear" instead of idea, and "draw" instead of "drawer"
  • Congrats on meeting your goal!!! I have been maintaining for a couple of months now using MFP. I did regain about 3lbs after reaching my goal, and then gained another 2lbs of lean muscle mass (gained lbs but lost body fat %). I don't always go with MFP's maintenance levels, however. It seems that they are a bit low…
  • I had this same NSV just yesterday!! Finally went and bought my first bikini. I've worn one ONCE in my life (last summer, because I really needed a bathing suit and someone let me borrow it haha) but now I have my very own :) Congrats!!! It's an awesome feeling :)
  • I have a LOT of these people at my gym!
  • I do 5-7 days a week. Most of my workouts are around an hour, sometimes they are 30 minutes, and sometimes I can only squeeze in a 15 minute jog.
  • Here's what I do: If the chicken has been kept frozen in the freezer, I take it out and defrost it in the fridge during the day while I am at work. I usually just take out one piece, then put the rest back into the freezer (since once it's defrosted, it shouldn't be re-frozen). I take the frozen piece and put it on a plate…
  • I do a cardio warmup (5-15 minutes), then weights (30-45 minutes), then more cardio, sometimes in the form of HIIT (another 5-15 minutes). Would that be hindering my fat burning?
  • I have struggled with this as well. I didn't have that much to lose to begin with, and I've been going strong for 6 months and still don't have a flat belly. I've definitely seen a lot more progress since I began strength training, though. My workouts now revolve around lifting weights rather than running or doing other…
  • I've been experiencing this. I think it's because I work out in the evening. Unfortunately there's not really a better time for me to work out! So I've just been tolerating it as much as I can for now heh.
  • During the week I almost always work out in the evening after dinner. Sometimes I think it has an effect on my sleep (I've been having a hard time sleeping lately) but there's really no way around it for me, it's the only convenient time! On weekends I will often work out in the morning or early afternoon instead.
  • I have a huge appetite too!!! I can eat sooooo much food. I'm almost always up for dessert when everyone else is totally stuffed haha.